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A Season of Turbulence

A college girl flying to Anchorage to join her boyfriend in the Public Defender office is pulled into the crisis of a woman she meets who is being stalked by a former lover. She is also involved with her boyfriend's high-octane law cases which involve a level of drama and risk she has never encountered before.

Editorial coverage and synopsis before being accepted by The Conium Review:

Notes from editor Tristan Beach: Boroff's language is rhythmic, metaphor-heavy, sarcastic, and echoes the hard-boiled spirit of Chandler or Hammett (if Chandler or Hammett had been a woman). The narrator details her relationship with a young law student as well as the failed, violent heterosexual relationships surrounding them in their small Alaska community. She establishes a precedence of failure, and hopes against this failure in her own relationship. The Kitty and Duke of the title is one of these peripheral relationships whose highs and lows (of the most extreme) are quite public. There are several layers lurking beneath the surface of this tale. I feel that the story's power could be amplified if broken into chapters or section breaks. Also, the death of Kitty (Duke's victim) could be approached with greater emotional dexterity (and perhaps a healthy dose of anger toward the public's attitude that Duke was a victim of his own emotions and a troublesome woman Overall, it's a strong story with brilliant language, dialogue, and an intimate knowledge of the attitudes and environs of Alaska. One last point -- the original title ("Kitty and Duke") is a bit weak. I highly recommend publication, but only after a few changes are made to the actual structure of the story and its title.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
A young Elizabeth Olson
A young Ryan Gosling
Maya Hawke
In the Vein Of:
The Fourth Kind
Leaving Normal
Author Bio:
Author website: www.lindaboroffauthor.com Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Boroff/e/B00NWE6J3I

Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in fiction in 2021 and 2016

I wrote the feature film, Murder in Fashion, about the shooting of designer Gianni Versace by serial killer Andrew Cunanan. The film played at theatres and festivals and was reviewed in the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/22/movies/22murder.html?_r=0

"Low budget but accurate and well constructed insight into a modern mystery" review by Richard von Lust L.

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