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Post Your Script Here!SETTLING THE BOOKS
Lured by the reading of a billionaire rare book dealer’s will, an investigator and four other heirs are sealed in an airtight panic room, and with only four hours air, must solve the centuries-old mystery contained in the book ‘The Castilian Cypher’ in order to escape.
A troubled man has a brush with death that comes with disturbing results.
Trials and tribulations of the notorious John Wesley Hardin.
Biopic of Harry Strauss, a.k.a.
A blonde bombshell in stainless steel becomes a femme fatale, a relentless tiger with razor-sharp-toothed-pen spilling blood across the pages leaving nowhere, for the perpetrators of the nation's greatest corporate crime to turn or hide - no 'out'.
Tender Nightmare
In the 1950s in St. Petersburg, Florida, four eleven-year-old boys (two sets of twins, one Identical), attempt to track down the source of several mysterious murders in town, finding themselves tangled in the web of a Nazi cabal.
Curbside Service
A recently separated couple finds themselves stranded in the desert on their way to a family holiday function.
Doors of Miracles
A young woman trembles as she thanks God anticipating another disaster when The Light of Heaven descends upon her projecting her past the Universe to Heaven to return with supernatural powers, miracles, and God speaks.
Perfect Beau
A Plain Jane clones her ideal boyfriend out of her girlfriends' boyfriends' DNA for her college senior class project.
Cold Pepper
A law-abiding, church-going court stenographer becomes a one-woman vigilante assassinating violent domestic abusers (and other twisted souls) after their third offense.