
Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards & Pitch Deck-Sizzle Reel-Trailer Contest

Palm Springs


1187 Coast Village Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
8055355684 (voice)

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Contact: Suzanne Herrera-McCullough, CEOd

Report Card

Overall: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Professionalism: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Feedback: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Signficance: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Report Cards: 0    
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Discovering the best writers and filmmakers and showcasing their work. What happens to your script or your video when you enter The Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards & Sizzle Reel-Trailer-Pitchdeck Contest?
  • Your script or video file is uploaded into our firewall-protected data portal.
  • Your script is read and evaluated against professional marketplace standards.
  • Your Sizzle Reel, Movie Trailer, or Pitchdeck is screened multiple times and judged on its marketability.
  • Scores are assigned; written analysis (far more than "coverage") is then composed, edited, and validated by members of the Senior Judging Panel.
  • There are no unpaid interns or amateur readers involved in our process at any time. Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

30th of every month.

Entry fee: $39-$149

WinningScripts Pro $10 Off Coupon

Notification: 15th of following month (quarterly).


Please see website.


Best Sizzle Reel, Movie Trailer, or Pitch Deck

  • Live Screening & Marketing Analysis with WGA-DGA-SAG Judges
  • Free Admission to Money for Your Movie: Guaranteed Video Course
  • Marquee placement in the Palm Springs Online Screening Room
Total Value: $2500!

Feature Screenplay
(all genres)

  • Live Story Conference with award-wining Senior Level WGA Judges
  • 3 months free Marquee Placement in the Palm Springs online Screening Room
  • Engraved Winner's Trophy
  • Written Studio-grade analysis
  • 4-month InkTip Pro Membership
  • Free Listing at SellingYourScreenplay.com
  • Free listing at MovieBytes.com
Total value: $2000

TV Script
(pilot or episode)

  • 3 months free Marquee Placement in the Palm Springs online Screening Room• Written Studio-grade analysis
  • Engraved Winner's Trophy
  • Free Listing at SellingYourScreenplay.com
  • Free listing at MovieBytes.com
Total value: $1000

Short Film Script

  • Engraved Winner's Trophy
  • Written Studio-grade analysis
  • Free MovieBytes.com listing
Total value: $500

Palm Springs


1187 Coast Village Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
8055355684 (voice)

Click here
Click here

Contact: Suzanne Herrera-McCullough, CEOd

Report Card

Overall: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Professionalism: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Feedback: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Signficance: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Report Cards: 0    
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Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards & Pitch Deck-Sizzle Reel-Trailer Contest


1187 Coast Village Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
8055355684 (voice)

Click here
Click here

Contact: Suzanne Herrera-McCullough, CEOd

Report Card

Overall: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Professionalism: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Feedback: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Signficance: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Report Cards: 0    
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Contest News

Palm Springs Names Spring, 2024 Contest Winners

Rowan Grey Sutherland's State of Being has been named the winner of the Spring, 2024 Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards. The Best TV and Best Short Script winners have also been announced. [Updated: 07/26/2024]

Palm Spring Diversity Names Contest Winner

The Palm Springs Diversity Screenplay Contest, which celebrates the work of marginalized writers, has selected Steven Freehauf as the Winter 2024 Grand Prize Winner for his screenplay Air, about a 1982 Air Guitar contest that brings three inner city friends to face their pending adult decisions through new relationships that help get their lives in order. [Updated: 05/23/2024]

Palm Springs International Names Contest Winners

The Long March by Jennifer Renner has been named the Best Screenplay winner of the Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards & Pitch deck-Sizzle Reel-Trailer Contest. [Updated: 05/07/2024]

The Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards Names Contest Winners

The Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards & Pitch Deck-Sizzle Reel-Trailer Contest has announced their Best Screenplay, Best TV Script, Best Short Script, Best Pitch Deck, Best Sizzle Reel and Best Movie Trailer Competition winners for Fall, 2023. [Updated: 01/19/2024]


Zero interviews found. If you've finished first, second, or third in this competition, we'd like to interview you.

Palm Springs International Screenplay Awards & Pitch Deck-Sizzle Reel-Trailer Contest


1187 Coast Village Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
8055355684 (voice)

Click here
Click here

Contact: Suzanne Herrera-McCullough, CEOd

Report Card

Overall: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Professionalism: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Feedback: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Signficance: n/a (0.0/5.0)
Report Cards: 0    
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