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The Missing Link

In Chad, Northern Africa, the world famous Dr. Ingles and his archeological team have discovered a six million year old fossil and they are calling it 'the missing link'. At the same time billionaire Emile Ambrose has privately made a promise that the fossils will never arrive at any laboratory for examination.

The Missing Link

An action-adventure/drama by Mark Mc Quown


On the Eastern side of the country of Chad, in Northern Africa, Dr. Ingles and his archeological team have uncovered the complete skull and some pelvis bones belonging to a hominoid of some six million years of age. This event happens on the day the entire company was about to leave the dig site.

Simultaneously, in Chicago, the largest publishing firm in the United States is making an announcement about their new book, The Science of Creationism. This announcement declares this text book to be predicted as the best seller of any book since modern printing has begun, including the Bible and Harry Potter.

Amile Ambrose, President and CEO of Ambrose Publishing is made aware that a new find in Chad is just being broadcast world wide. In order to protect his publishing empire, Amile, sends his own Head of Security, Texas Tom Mc Gregor, to make sure the fossils are never returned to any country for examination.

Texas Tom is assigned to be the leader of a group organized by one of the Intelligence Agencies in our government. Included on his crew is Jason Allan, a High School Biology teacher who was at one time a US Marine attached to the Marines Intelligence Division where he worked in super secret operations.

The archeological team packs up its find and begins a long treck towards a city with an airport. In the first few hundred miles the caravan of trucks and jeeps is stopped at an illegal check point in Chad and forced to turn around and flee with the entire caravan of diggers.

The team eventually breaks up to only Dr Ingles, Jonathan and Amanda. They alone are left to save the fossils in their single Land Rover. The trio of scientists is chased across the desert by insurgents, Texas Tom’s team and pirates and thieves all trying to steal these ancient bones.

The small team ends up in Khartoum where they meet up with what is left of Tom Mc Gregor s team where they are all forced to high-jack an American UPS plane. The plane is forced to land at an abandon airstrip in Chad and in the end both teams are rescued by US Forces from a secret, near-by base.

This, of course, is not the end but only the beginning of the battle between the evolutionists and the creationists, a battle we are now seeing today in the courts of our own country. This battle will ultimately change the way our future generations understand where we came from as a species and what are all the possibilities.

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Sean Connery
Cameron Dias
Alec Baldwin
Author Bio:
Mark Mc Quown is an Award Winning/Produced playwright, an Award Winning/Optioned/Produced screenwriter with many finished scripts listed in InkTip.com. See the IMDB for PJ (2008) starring John Heard, Vincent Pastore, Robert Picardo, Patricia Rea and Hallie Kate Eisenberg

Mr. Mc Quown has been honored with winning at the 1997 Santa Clarita International Film Festival, Animation Division with The Rocking Horse Christmas, the 2000 Telluride Independent Film Festival with The Tahoe Signal, the 2002 Telluride Independent Film Festival with Dot Gone and the 2002-2003 Key West Independent Film Festival with Pier 21.

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Contest Results:
WeScreenplay Diverse Voices (Quarterfinalist) [2022]
Emerging Screenwriters Drama (Quarterfinalist) [2023]
Wiki Contest (Quarterfinalist) [2021]
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