
The Stolen Manuscript

A Private Eye is hired to find a famous Horror author, one of Baltimore's own, and his latest manuscript.

In October of 1970, the citizens of Baltimore are in a baseball frenzy after Weaver's Birds conquered Bench and Rose's Big Red Machine of Cincinnati, 4 games to 1 in the World Series. Most Convincing. The community was in a sort of perpetual happy trance. But, when Jake Venom, Monument City's favorite son, turns up missing before he can drop his new story off at his Publisher, Premature Burial, the euphoria begins to fade.

And, when the body of the Terror Master is discovered dead downtown behind a Dempsey Dumpster, reality begins to overcome the Baseball high that the community has been on for weeks. A silver lining for P.I. Tender comes as a substantial increase in Tim's overall financial fee.

His meal ticket came in the form of Vicki Venom, the "loving" wife of Jake, who, even at her somewhat advanced age, had the best body that money could purchase. Plus, in the beginning, did she hire Tender's outfit, one P.I., one officer manager, Bea E. Hopkins, Tim's fiancè, to locate her missing husband--or, his lost manuscript? After all, Venom's previous bestseller, "Tender Nightmare," squeezed out a crisp $5 Million. The Challenge begins.

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Author Bio:
Ray graduated from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, with an English Degree/Honors (Creative Writing Option). He is a USF Alumni Member. (ID: U56927158).

He has written two novels: "Tender Nightmare" (others) & "The Stolen Manuscript" and two screenplays based on the books-- both novels are available for purchase on the normal book websites. www.rayespencersr.com

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