[Story Pros International]

Cold Pepper

A law-abiding, church-going court stenographer becomes a one-woman vigilante assassinating violent domestic abusers (and other deviants) after their third offense. Totally fed up with the questionable legal system - she then goes after their prickly attorneys. (Think Dexter in high heels) (Potential for ongoing series) (Copyright Wash DC)

Pepper Jones is the svelte female equivalent of "Dexter." (Hit show on Showtime) By day she has a humdrum bureaucratic job in Anytown, USA. A court stenographer by day and a serial killer the rest of the time. Her "day job" led her to her second "avocation." She fixes what the legal system does not fix. Repeated rapists, child molesters and domestic abusers fill her courtroom day in and day out. In her mind, it's a toss-up on who is the most nauseating ---- the criminals or their sleazy attorneys??? She's had it with these creeps getting off on "one technicality or the other."

She has a close knit work-group who jokingly call themselves "The Girls." They sit in hushed whispers at a table in the employee cafeteria. There, they speak freely about these lowlifes and their slimy lawyers amongst themselves. As far a they're concerned, (The Girls) they're all "savages." If anything, they are totally astounded by their "flimsy excuses" concocted by the attorneys and their despicable clients.

"The Girls" are full of sarcasm. One of "The Girls", suggested that after their third offense that the criminals should be "offed" by some anonymous entity. This struck Pepper on a deep soul level for whatever reasons.

Pepper, prior to her tedious day job, was in the military as a court stenographer. Her husband was in "Special Ops." Unfortunately he was killed on a mission in Middle East. He insisted that she learn how to use a gun. So that's what she did. She became a top notch markswoman in her spare time.

Pepper is also a night student in the City University. She's enrolled in class called "Forensic Psychology." Presently they are studying women serial killers. Pepper is fascinated by women's motivations for killing.

Every Friday night, Pepper and "The Girls" go for Happy Hour at the Watering Hole - a meet-up bar for legal types and court workers. Pepper's best friend at work - Mary - is dating a homicide dick - Tom. Tom introduces Pepper to John - his colleague at work. Fireworks!!!

Pepper has an arsenal of guns in her apartment. All of the necessary paperwork is up to snuff on them. She keeps them under lock and key. She also has other guns that she hides. These are the ones that she uses to kill the chronic offenders and their seedy attorneys.

In Pepper's mind, at least she is pro-active about getting these lowlifes off the street. She grows weary of "The Girls" echoing the same sentiment all the time. "Why doesn't somebody do something about it?" ad nauseaum.

Pepper has access to everyone's whereabouts. She's also a master of disguise. She surprises her marks in unassuming ways. Bang! Bang! All of the authorities - local, state and federal are totally clueless as to who is committing the murders.

The rest of the time, Pepper goes to church every Sunday; attends family barbeques; dates a homicide dick; attends night classes; shoots at the range and works out at the gym. To the casual observer, she leads an ordinary, mundane life. Ho Hum!!!

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Keri Russell/Emma Stone/Julia Stiles
Sarah Paulson/Kristen Bell
Awkwafina/Kate Hudson
In the Vein Of:
The Equalizer/Law & Order SVU
InJustice (British TV)
Author Bio:
Micheline is a freelance writer. She's had four plays produced at Dominican University in Marin County, Ca. She's a skilled comedic improvisor. She has also performed stand-up comedy on both coasts. She's had numerous articles published. One was in "The Chicken Soup for the Soul" series (2017) when she described her encounter on meeting Robin Williams in the 1990's. She has several eBooks on Amazon Kindle on various topics. She holds two Bachelors Degrees and a Masters.

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