GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Psychotic USA

A dramedy.. A twisted view of the ineptness of modern day psychiatric treatment as seen through the lens of four patients in an asylum. An angel comes to save them. Think deeply funny and engaging . Imagine "Girl Interrupted + One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest + Touched By An Angel = Psychotic USA" (Based on book Psychotica, USA on Amazon) (Could be pilot script for possible mini-series based on vignettes in book) (Copyright Wash DC)

Previous quarter-finalist in Nicholl Fellowship contest.

Psychotic USA is the story of four suicidal desperadoes. They just can't cope. Eliza is an angel sent from the Heavens. She disguises herself as a patient, Lily. The story is told in flashbacks. It is weaved with present time in their twisted spiritual demise. Einstein, the all-so-perfect Momma's Whiny Boy has a family history of suicide. Hillary, the proverbial upper-middle-class Barbie-Doll mother thought her life would be utterly "perfect" all the time. Marva, the epitome of the Black Matriarch had a Mom who bludgeoned Marva's biological father to death. She was raised by her GrandMoma. Now she's married to a man who lies, cheats and steals from her. Jessie, is a pharmacist who is married to a man who is about 30+ years older that she - George. She grew up in the foster care system. She was smart enough amidst all of her growing up turmoil to snag a scholarship. The Fab Four know each other from prior hospital admissions in Psychotic USA. They form this engaging bond with each other. Comrades. Friends. Soulmates, of sorts. The story satirizes the shrinks - Dr. Ritch and Dr. Penny. Their ineffective treatment plans are grossly mocked. Dr. Kung Fooey is an Acupuncture Psychologist; Dr. Luv heads the CYBER PSYCHO BABBLE LAB; Dr. Shock heads the SHOCK TREATMENT LAB. And of course, there is the countless pills that seem more disturbing than their intended purpose. The Angel, Eliza disguises herself as Lily, a patient. She acts anyway she wants to, after all she is labeled as a "delusional psychotic". She depicts herself as a persona who wears all types of outfits to satisfy her theme for the day. Her many guises allow her permeability in Psychotic USA. After all she is a delusional psychotic, n'est pas? Eliza is in Psychotic USA because she wants a promotion in Heaven. Archangel Michael instructs her that this was her next assignment in the Cosmos. With cynical reluctance, she takes on the mammoth task. She's ticked because she has to go to Planet Earth, "where they all have such pointless little lives, anyway". The story blends Einstein, Hillary, Marva's and Jessie's interpretation of their spiritual dance in life. Why is it that others can transcend the conditioning for pain while others cannot seem to etch their way out of a paper bag? Ah, the sweet mysteries of the mind! The film satirizes the various tried and failed treatment modalities that each agrees to in Psychotic USA. In the end, they are truly "Touched By An Angel". Three decide to stay alive, with insight. One does the ultimate act. Eliza transfigures and transforms back into the galaxy. ***The film is loosely based on the book, Psychotica USA, published by iUniverse. ***

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Winona Ryder
Regina King
Ben Stiller
In the Vein Of:
Girl Interrupted
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Touched by an Angel
Author Bio:
Micheline is a freelance writer. She's had four plays produced in Marin County, Ca. at Dominican University. She's performed improv comedy for many years as well as doing stand-up comedy. She's had numerous articles published, one in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series where she described her encounter on meeting Robin Williams. (2017) She has several eBooks on Amazon Kindle.

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