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A world renowned heart transplant surgeon is an absolute magician at finding compatible hearts for wealthy clients. A nurse, from the local penitentiary finds suitable hearts for her by an experimental surgical technique. After the hearts are transplanted, the clients start exhibiting characteristics of these death row inmates. A black comedy about modern day medicine. (Copyright Wash. DC)

Synopsis of: PSYCHO-HEARTS By Micheline D. Birger

Imagine – COMA + BASIC INSTINCT + FRANKENSTEIN = PSYCHO-HEARTS. A satirical, cynical, Slice-O-Modern Medicine in America today…beyond the Mash Series. The backdrop is Any City, USA with a University Hospital. Enter – Queen of Hearts, svelte Dr. Susan Blake, and Head of the Transplant Services. Forty-something. Dyn-O-Mite. A hotshot surgeon. Impeccable character or so the legend goes… In what appears to be a nationwide shortage, she is an absolute magician at finding compatible hearts. Almost instantly. Ah, the sweet mysteries of life. Enter – Nurse Ann Hart. Equally enticing at forty-something, she dedicates her working daze serving the prison population at the State Pen. Yet another modern day saint weaved into the humdrum of the societal fabric. Ann & Susan have been “friends” since their teenage years. They share a penthouse flat. They are more than just “room-mates.” Ann & Susan perfected an experimental surgical technique known as “Laser Suction Surgery.” Technically, Ann is as good as a surgeon as Susan for this particular surgical procedure. She just lacks the M.D. Ah; such a minor flaw in their “moonlighting activities.” Supply & Demand. This is the basis for any type of Business Empire. Ann & Susan employ several “independent contractors” to assist them in their wealth building activities. Given the type of industry that they run, they are absolute geniuses to be in “business” for as long as they have been to build up their retirement portfolio. Enter – SAM TAYLOR, the passionate Prison Warden, deeply committed to his position and to Nurse Ann Hart. He is oblivious to her “secret life.” He is baffled and perplexed on how to solve the mysterious suicidal deaths of DEATH ROW INMATES…on his employment contract. Enter – INVESTIGATOR CHANG, a “Chinese-American Colombo.” His caseload is never-ending. His manner is sultry. “Unexplained deaths” at the State Pen and murderous acts of transplant recipients occupy most of his time and energy. In between, there is just madness. Mayhem. Greed. The ending to this dark comedy – Imagine a Cinzano Umbrella in a foreign land - guess who is under it having their favorite beverage?

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Charlize Theron
Angelina Jolie
Anne Hathaway
In the Vein Of:
Basic Instinct
Article 99
Author Bio:
Micheline is a produced playwright and freelance writer. She has several eBooks on Amazon Kindle. She's had several articles published in various mediums.

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