[Story Pros International]

Look Into My Eyes! EPISODE 4

After Howell completes a series of challenges, he returns to his friends in the desert questing for Apache Tears. The search is demanding and, with Howell as leader, ultimately successful, but not as Professor Drago Lucian intended.

Script Excerpt
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TV Episode
Author Bio:
I was born in Cardiff, Wales. My degrees are from Nottingham, England and the University of in Santa Barbara (MA/PhD). I taught English and Creative Writing at California State University Chico. i was Chair of English for six years. I am an award-winning playwright and screenplay writer, as well as a fiction writer. I love writing stories, delving into characters and creating dialog that functions in many different forms.

“The Boy Who Earned His Magic” is a YA novel, a fantasy adventure-quest, utilizing the relatively unexplored world of the differing characters, peoples, languages, myths and dramatic landscapes that make up the Western United States.

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Contest Results:
London Independent (First Place) [2024]
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