GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

New Listings

Script Name

Perfect Beau

A Plain Jane clones her ideal boyfriend out of her girlfriend's boyfriends' DNA for her senior class project. Everything didn't come out as expected - what could possibly go wrong? Script Excerpt


Cold Pepper

A law-abiding, church-going court stenographer becomes a one-woman vigilante assassinating violent domestic abusers and their prickly attorneys after their third offense. (Think Dexter in high heels) Script Excerpt


Psychotic USA

A dramedy.. A twisted view of the ineptness of modern day psychiatric treatment as seen through the lens of four patients in an asylum. An angel comes to save them. Think deeply funny and engaging . Imagine "Girl Interrupted + One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest + Touched By An Angel = Psychotic USA" (Based on book Psychotica, USA on Amazon) (Could be pilot script for possible mini-series based on vignettes in book) Script Excerpt



A world renowned heart transplant surgeon is an absolute magician at finding compatible hearts for wealthy clients. A nurse, from the local penitentiary finds suitable hearts for her by an experimental surgical technique. After the hearts are transplanted, the clients start exhibiting characteristics of these death row inmates. A black comedy about modern day medicine. Script Excerpt


Nina and Flossie

Three European sisters try to dump a dead body that the eldest killed in the middle of the night as a result of a break-in. They're svelte septuagenarians so it's one hairbrained adventure after the next trying to dispose of the body in their ritzy neighborhood without attracting police or neighborhood interference. Oh me, oh my, what could possibly go wrong? (Dark comedy/satire) Script Excerpt

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