GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Nina and Flossie

Three European sisters try to dump a dead body that the eldest killed in the middle of the night as a result of a break-in. They're svelte septuagenarians so it's one hairbrained adventure after the next trying to dispose of the body in their ritzy neighborhood without attracting police or neighborhood interference. Oh me, oh my, what could possibly go wrong? (Dark comedy/satire)

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Diane Keaton
Jamie Lee Curtis
Jane Fonda/Meryl Streep
In the Vein Of:
Three Old Broads
Golden Girls (on steroids)
Author Bio:
Micheline is a freelance writer. She's had four plays produced in Marin County, Ca. at Dominican University. She's performed improv comedy for many years as well as doing stand-up comedy. She's had numerous articles published, one in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series where she described her encounter on meeting Robin Williams. (2017) She has several eBooks on Amazon Kindle.

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