
Santa Barbara Names Spring Contest Winners

Daniel William Pero's Dire Straits III: Choke Point has been named the Spring, 2024 Winner of the Santa Barbara Screenplay Competition. TV and Short Script winners have also been announced.

Winner: Best Screenplay
Daniel William Pero
"Dire Straits III: Choke Point"
A former Special Forces war hero and Governor of Michigan, now President of the United States, must make controversial and emotional decisions that will impact her marriage, radical Islamists in the Persian Gulf, and a potential conflict with China in the South China Sea.

Winner: TV Script
Chad Hutson
"Life Through the Lens"
A talented photojournalist obsessed with winning the Pulitzer must choose between his pursuit of the award or being the father he never had after being abandoned as a boy.

Winner: Short Script
Brendon Richards
A young man is confronted by a supernatural entity which feeds upon his regrets and desires.

Updated: 07/19/2024

Additional Contest Info: The Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards

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