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AceFest Announces Great American Sreenplay Competition Winners

Michael Palm's The Audition has been named the winner of the AceFest Great American Screenplay Competition.


The Audition by Michael Palm
Make your friendship known.


Fix by Andrew Preston
A recovering alcoholic must chose between saving his torn marriage and pursuing the opportunity of a lifetime.


Growing Further by Fiona Jensen
A young couple, bittered by past heartbreak, makes a pact to end their relationship after one year - no matter what.


53 Hours in Harper's Ferry by David Sabbath
Algorithm by Gennady Favel
American Gothic by Melissa Bruning
A Time to Keep by Richard A. O'Driscoll
Atom Bravo by Rob Rex
The Audition by Michael Palm
The Bloodfest Club by Oscar Madrid
Damien and Isabella by Julia Cinningham
The Devil and Harry Houdini by Colleen De Maio
Drinking in Church by Kieran Angelini
The Escape by Kent Wong
Fix by Andrew Preston
Foot the Bill by Craig Smith
The Foundation by R. Wyatt
Growing Further by Fiona Jensen
Hope's Nocturnal by David Sabbath
The Imposter by A.L. Lee
Jeremy, Malcolm and Bess by E.M. Marenson
Keep by Terrance Stockton
Livin' in a V World by Jennifer Bogush
Needle by Steven Karageanes
No more Spiders by Carrie Lee
Pink Dress by Ron Schilling
The Phoenix Effect by Margaret M. MacDonald
The Porn Brothers by David Bertoni
Soul Flyers by Bryon Evans
Stupid Love by Steven Zelman
Though Heaven May Fall by Andrea Cunning
Through Iron Eyes by William Nelson
The Unseen by Shivakumar Ramanathan

Updated: 02/22/2009

Additional Contest Info: Great American Screenplay Competition (AceFest)

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