2025 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards
GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


When a dog loses his owner, he discovers a dark conspiracy involving an evil king, a hidden realm, and God's magical crystals that can alter the world.

Millions of years ago ,a large Asteroid consumed a young Earth. But in Earth's core, God's seeds in the form of colored crystals, survived. They would be used to rekindle life.  God's choice to administer these seeds into his fountain of life, a bird.  All is peaceful until the creation of man. Thousands of years later, a homeless dog named ZIPS roams the grasslands. He soon discovers a colony of "Furgrow" birds preparing grass homes for winter. Led by STRONG TAIL, these birds historically grew-feathers but now grow mostly fur and cannot fly. As zips introduces himself, the birds are surprised he can speak chatter language.  He explains that his owner used magical crystals to give him a gift of enchantment. Strong Tail suddenly notices that zips is being followed by sinister characters (the half human WEXLERCON and his horse-dog creatures). Alarmed ,Zips explains that they're looking for a bag of enchanted crystals that belonged to his owner and are buried at his home. The crystals contain mystical powers to control the evolution of life. Long ago, Wexlercon used the crystals to deny the birds the ability to fly. The birds steal the bag of crystals from him and he can no longer return to his kingdom. He then poisons Zips owner to steal them. Zips recruits the birds as allies to defeat Wexlercon. He then introduces them to farmer BILL who will provide winter food if the birds groom his horses. Zips also creates a plan with his dog pals. They will divert Wexlercon with the scent of his collar while he sneaks away to retrieve the crystals. As zips heads home, he is guided to a family of cat-pig SKOOGIES led by OREVER.  Wexlercon has transported Skoogies from his past kingdom realm to use as a food source. A friend of Zips' owner, Orever, knows a lot about the crystals whoever possesses them can shap- shift into their ancestors when needed. The crystals can also open the secret passage into the fountain of life, where zips can put evolution back on the right course. To accomplish this task, zips must trust his enchantment to guide him. Zips finds the bag of crystals at his former home. When his late owner's voice tells him to "trust the bag", he tries using the crystals to shape-shift, but fails. Wexlercon suddenly arrives and demands the bag. Zips tries again to summon his ancestor and successfully transforms into a large dire wolf. They fight and Wexlercon flees. Later Zips goes to the cliff where the crystals were stolen from Wexlercon so long ago. He receives a calling from his creator, to go through a doorway to where Wexlercon once ruled and restore Earth's evolution. Zips builds an army of Furgrow birds,,dog pals and Bill's horses and readies to enter Wexlercon's kingdom. Zips' receives a sign that reveals the passage of the doorway. Zips bravely leads his army into Wexlercon's realm. The terrain features a bizarre variety of intentionally crossbred plants and animals. The army must go through the desert to find the passage to Earth's core and the fountain of life. Wexlercon also returns through the doorway to his old kingdom. His loyal subjects hail Wexlercon, but a young King HAZZTON now leads the royal palace. Wexlercon demands his throne but Hazzton refuses to heed the forgotten king and bans him from the kingdom. An angry Wexlercon now calls for war. As he meets with loyal clan leaders to build an army, his horsedogs begin searching for the passage. Meanwhile ,Zips has his horse scouts ROYAL and filly Rocksand hunting for the passage, when they hear of a war for the throne. Royal and Rocksand spy an impressive army camp that has scary Camel-Rhino beasts. It also have thousands of imprisoned skoogies, including Orever and his family. Zips is given an enchantment over plants and summons them as allies. Zips gets word that doorway is in the water caverns under Wexlercon village and sends Royal and Rocksand to discover it. The skoogies led by Orever escape from captivity. A furious Wexlercon now launches the war, they furiously battle Hazzton's army. Soon Zips' army joins the fight. The giant birds and dire wolves claw and battle, while giant saguaros attack the camel-rhinos. When Orever's skoogies arrive to distract Wexlercon's beasts, it allows Zips' army to reach the kingdom gates. Royal and Rocksand search in the water caverns and find the symbol for the doorway passage. Rocksand now guides everyone back to the water cavern to reach the amazing fountain of life leading to Earths core! Zips now places red crystals in the fountain, Earth suddenly tremors while evolution is reset. Wexlercon's feels the quake as it reaches them. Suddenly,every crossbred animal, plant is magically restored to its natural form. Zips has reset evolution and saved the world.

Written by:
In the Vein Of:

Author Bio:
Early life included some TV hosting. Last many years a store keeper.

Contest Results:
Faith in Film (Semifinalist, retitled and rewrite done.) [2023]
Go Pro!