[Story Pros International]

Three Daze of Denver - It's Been a Long Road for David Wooderson

A seventeen year old golf prodigy and his mom are upended and move to small town Iowa in 1976. Where he is befriended by the group of the only not white and straight kids in town. And two middle aged misfits to work on the only flaw in his game.

This movie will be best explained by the characters themselves through an interview with no other than Jimmy Stallion. Jimmy, wanna be porn star is sitting at a desk with a microphone and camera. JIMMY (50’S) So, Tommy, you play Tommy and you’re going to be in every girls’ locker when this movie comes out. Explain this movie from your eyes. TOMMY (17) So, my character moves to a small town on the last day of school. This humble hot shot golfer that clashes with the local golf stud and gets thrown into a golf tournament while getting snatched up by a wacko group of friends. I was surprised by the amount of drugs. Wasn’t it in the original script? Jimmy interviewing Deb. JIMMY So, you played Deb and you were amazing, might I add. So what does this movie mean to you? DEB (MID 30’S) Well, it’s just a beautiful story of a mom and her kid moving back into her mom’s house. The typical story of having to start over and having to deal with this lunatic of a golf coach and his brother trying to fix the mental part of Tommy’s golf game. There was more swearing than I remember. Jimmy interviewing Coach. JIMMY First off, are you drunk? COACH (MID 40’S) A little. JIMMY 2. Second, I will take a bump off whatever that is on your nose. So, from your perspective, what is this movie? COACH So, I play Coach, a not so recovering alcoholic drug addict with a gambling problem. JIMMY So, you just played yourself. COACH Yeah, pretty much. JIMMY So, what happens? COACH Well, Tommy can’t putt for shit and I have a lot of money on a tournament he’s in. So, I came up with a solution over the years using a different array of poisonous, venomous whatever animals to fix a mental block he has. And, I like to screw married chicks. You want that bump? Jimmy interviewing (Z). JIMMY Alright you little zipperhead, let’s keep this short. So, you play a lot of Asian roles, why do you think that is? Z (16, ASIAN) You know, I had to deal with your racist ass for forty five days on set. I’m smart enough to bankrupt you and your whole family in three days, Shawshank style. JIMMY Ok, next question. How do you depict this movie? Z This hot shot ball striker moves to town. And, I’m pretty much off the charts smart, focusing on caddying. (MORE) Z (CONT’D) 3. So, I take him under my wing, get him hooked up with the local cool club, the true Hollywood Players, and we just click. And, I think the party scene is the best. The Black horn band and the short iron shoot out in the cliffs set it off. Jimmy interviewing (LOUIE) Black, 17. JIMMY So, you’re the only Black person in the movie. How does that make you feel? LOUIE Are you fucking kidding me? There’s an all Black disco scene it’s like fifteen minutes long. Did you not watch the movie? JIMMY I think I was in the bathroom with Coach. LOUIE That’s a big surprise. Anyway, the skate off at the disco is the best part of the movie hands down. Can I fucking go now? And, you got coke on your nose. Jimmy interviewing (TAKIE) 15 JIMMY So, you are actually gay in real life? But, you can’t really be that gay. TAKIE Oh, I most certainly can, Bob. JIMMY (STERN) So, what’s your favorite part of the movie? TAKIE For one, my gayness. I like the final eighteen holes, it brings the whole story and town together. And, I’m not telling you the ending. I saw you and Coach’s paranoid asses hiding under the chairs at the end of the screening. 4. Jimmy interviewing (JAKE) mid 40’s JIMMY So, Jake, with your severe lack of depth, what was the movie about? JAKE Me! I mean really, you get rid of all those other characters, it’s still a perfectly good movie. JIMMY That’s funny, cause you’re the last interview and this is the first time your name came up. JAKE They’re just jealous that I get as much pussy in real life as I do in the movie. JIMMY You know you got paid less than everybody else in the movie except for random kid and random old guy. JAKE I took a cut to get better actors. JIMMY Did your agent tell you that? JAKE Sure did. JIMMY Well, he lied. JAKE Whatever, part of a lifetime!

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