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Kuga's Way

A dog sees its human mentor kidnapped and goes on a journey to find him, along the way meeting humans in dire need of help.

Bentley is an electronics wizard hired by Homeland Security to create a voice modulator that can translate a dog's bark and its other utterances into human-understandable expressions. Bentley's been working with his pet dog, a two-year old German Shepherd, called Kuga. The project is completed a day before the deadline. However, on that night, Bentley is kidnapped by two men-in-black and taken across America to Florida. Kuga gives chase. On its long journey, Kuga meets people in trouble, which only he can help. First, an 11-year-old child goes missing. Second, a lonely old lady is targeted by two youths for robbery. Third, a young prostitute is trapped by a serial killer. Fourth, a teenage girl attempts to kill her baby stepsister. In all four scenarios, Kuga's intervention brings uplifting resolutions. The pilot ends with Kuga continuing his long journey to Florida — the lead-in to a projected series of 24 half-hour episodes.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
TV Pilot
Starring Roles For:
German Shepherd (dog)

In the Vein Of:
Littlest Hobo (1960s TV series)

Author Bio:
Last updated: 29 October 2023.

I became a hobbyist screenwriter in 2007 when I purchased version 7 of Final Draft. I’ve since completed 12 screenplays and one TV pilot.

My screenplays are: 1. Counterchance. “When life-saving miracles happen”. 2. Glorious Revolution. “Unintended consequences”. 3. Howlingween. “A holiday into hell”. 4. Howlingween 2: Clarry the Clown. “An island paradise becomes a trap”. 5. Howlingween 3: Red River County.

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