2025 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards
GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

The Rondo Conspiracy

In the late fifties a resident lawyer of Rondo, primarily a Black community in St. Paul, must assist an evil cop hunt a killer through after-hours joints or be charged with murder. As his life unravels he agrees. and could save himself and Rondo when he learns the cop is actually stalking him and is in a conspiracy with St. Paul to destroy Rondo.

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Author Bio:
Before I was a criminal defense lawyer in St. Paul, MN., and received recognition such as Super Lawyer (top 5% of the Bar), Most Well-Prepared Lawyer (Minnesota District Court Judge's Survey), One of the Top 40 Criminal Defense Lawyers and One of the Top 50 Appellate Lawyers, I was raised in the streets of St. Paul, became addicted to crime and drugs at a young age, spent most of my teenage years in juvenile and adult corrections institutions. I began college and group therapy while in prison for burglary, continued on the University of Minnesota campus, then law school and upon admission to the bar I started my law practice.

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