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That Week In Chicago

A poetic stagehand falls for a ballsy, sharp-tongued actress in 1990s Chicago. Only problem is, she’s under the impression he’s an actor, and he’s unwilling to disabuse her. He even goes so far as to contrive to briefly and disastrously appear on stage when he knows she’s in the audience. Eventually his ruse is exposed, and she furiously breaks it off. Poetry, fate, baseball, and a dead cat conspire to get them back together. Simultaneously hilarious and touching, That Week in Chicago features snappy, witty dialogue, memorable characters, multiple romances, 1990s nostalgia, and an intriguing look behind-the-scenes of a classical theater.

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Author Bio:
Mark McCarthy is an actor, director, stage combat choreographer, dialect coach, all around theatre educator, and published playwright with nationwide experience. He’s written dozens of short plays, including One Woman’s Onions, which received a production at Jersey Voices. He’s also written four full length screenplays, and is currently working on a fifth. Several monologues from his play Occupational Hazards have been published by Smith and Kraus in their Audition Arsenal series.

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Contest Results:
American Accolades (Semifinalist, tie breaker for finalist) [2004]
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