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The Judith Kiss

In this feminist twist of the fairytale “Bluebeard” set in the 1920s, a young socialite marries a mysterious widower and is swept away to his home in the country, but soon after she discovers disturbing clues as to what happened to his former wives.

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Author Bio:
Mirella is a screenwriter from Long Island, NY and is currently living in Manhattan. Her writing credits include two episodes: “Curiouser and Curiouser” and “Over the River and Through the Woods” for the upcoming children’s TV series, THE ADVENTURES OF SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED, which will premiere this summer on Amazon Prime. Her feature-length script THE JUDITH KISS recently won First Place at the Electric City Script Competition in Schenectady, NY and placed as a Finalist for the Women’s Film and Script Showcase in Los Angeles and Windy City.

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Contest Results:
Women's Film & Script (Finalist) [2018]
Fresh Voices Feature (Quarterfinalist) [2018]
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