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NOBLE TWINS *EPS. 2* _The following morning, it's JMs fathers death Anniversary. He prepares to visit the cemetery._ _Alishas mother ask her where she had been getting the money from whenever she comes back home. She tries to avoid the story but her mother insist. Alisha gives in. "Okay okay fine, I'll tell you. I got them from Jane's mother. I always assist in home chores & and that what I get in return. Isn't that great?" Her mother get angry at her for letting herself slaved. "I had warned you of receiving money from strangers, you don't even know what they are up to. Ok I_ _understand our situation but this doesn't mean that you should be asking for money from other."_ _Jane:(Shading tears) I refused at first but she insisted so much on giving. You know I couldnt reject mom, we need that money._ _Mother: who knows, maybe sooner or later we shall get better.(calming Alisha down)_ _JM standing looking at his father's grave. He place a banquet of flowers on his grave and leaves. On her left there is a woman moaning at the grave of her late husband. JM revomes a white piece of cloth from his pocket and gives to the lady and leaves_ _The company is on the process and huge investment are made. There is a plane to invest more on other sectors._

Written by:
TV Episode
Author Bio:
Born in 1999

Contest Results:
12 Months (First Place, *NOBLE TWINS* _A Story By Gin ) [2020]
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