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Vengeance Island

A law student interning with the Public Defender office and his visiting girlfriend are stranded with their pilot on a remote Alaskan island outside Angoon in a winter storm. Soon, they realize they are being stalked --- not just by wolves but by spirits seeking retribution for a lie the young man told native people while investigating a crime against their daughter.

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Carey Mulligan
Chris Pine type
Sam Shepard
In the Vein Of:
The Bear
Back of Beyond
The Grey
Author Bio:
Author website: www.lindaboroffauthor.com Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Boroff/e/B00NWE6J3I

Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in fiction in 2021 and 2016

I wrote the feature film, Murder in Fashion, about the shooting of designer Gianni Versace by serial killer Andrew Cunanan. The film played at theatres and festivals and was reviewed in the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/22/movies/22murder.html?_r=0

"Low budget but accurate and well constructed insight into a modern mystery" review by Richard von Lust L.

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