

It’s a race against time to save millions of Americans as Angela Garcia uses her premonition dreams to stop a ruthless cult leader who has unleashed a bio-engineered bacteria.

ANGELA GARCIA, a nurse practitioner, in Bisbee, Arizona, finds relaxation from her hectic job as a weekend rockhound. Unbeknownst to her, while collecting rocks in the Arizona desert, she inhales radioactive dust from a geode she cracks open. Later that night, she begins having devastating premonition dreams like she did as a child. Her recent dreams come true about two girls being killed by lightning and then a terrorist bombing at a water amusement park in New Delhi, India. The reality that the visions have come back is too much to bear. She thought a priest had cured her many years ago. Her boss and friend, WAYNE PETERSON a physician at the health department, sends her to Phoenix for a conference on bioterrorism. While there, she dreams that terrorists use a nerve gas that kills hundreds of people in a shopping mall. She realizes that her dreams are a result of a preoccupation with a thought like the fear of lightning, or her friend going to New Delhi on business amidst the rise in terrorism there, and now this! She alerts the authorities, but no one will take her seriously, not even Wayne. Then she has another dream that a bacteria is responsible for killing the people at the shopping mall instead of a nerve gas. To make matters worse her health begins to deteriorate with headaches, vomiting, and seizures. She suspects it’s related to inhaling the dust from cracking open the geode she found. Angela’s grandfather, ANTONIO and his best friend, VERNON, travel to the site where Angela found the geode and collects soil samples for testing. In the meantime, a ruthless Japanese cult leader, BUNJIRO MATSUKI, is the terrorist responsible for the events and the ones to come. When he was a child during World War II, he watched as American soldiers killed his father in an U.S. internment camp, and now he wants revenge. He learns that the scientist from the conference has developed a genetic code for a deadly bacterium and has the microchip containing the information sutured inside his abdomen for safe keeping. Matsuki’s henchman kills him, retrieves the microchip, and Matsuki uses the genetic code to bioengineer a lethal bacteria making it act like a nerve gas to confuse the Americans. Then he sends his disciples to highly populated American cities posing as tourists and armed with digital cameras that are used to unleash his deadly weapon. The U.S, government believes that Arab terrorists attacked a shopping mall using a nerve gas killing hundreds of people. When Wayne hears the news, he is dumbfounded that Angela really does have psychic abilities. When she tells him that a bacteria is really responsible not a nerve gas, it becomes a race against time to try and get the powers to be to believe her. Wayne tells Angela that the quickest way to get to the C.I.A. is by way of his brother, TRAVIS, who is also Angela’s womanizing ex-boyfriend. Travis works for the treasury department investigating money laundering activities, and on occasion works with the C.I.A. on foreign cases. Assuming a nerve gas is responsible for the deaths, the government uses every nerve gas antidote at their disposal, but none of them work, and the death count is quickly rising. Then the government learns of a Saudi Arabian storage facility for chemical weapons. They make plans to go to war against the Arabs who deny the allegations. This is what the cult leader intends to happen as he prepares to launch a nuclear missile aimed at Washington D.C. making it look like Saudi Arabia is the culprit. Trying not to involve her ex-boyfriend, Angela attempts to inform the government of the bacterial invasion, but everyone she speaks to thinks she’s crazy. With nowhere else to turn, Angela reluctantly seeks out Travis’s help. She is furious when he doesn’t believe her and stomps out of his office leaving behind the soil sample that she was hoping he would have tested. Travis does have the soil sample tested and discovers that it is radioactive. Concerned about her life, he rushes to tell her the results. It’s obvious that they still love each other. Travis takes her to the hospital where she is given medication for radiation poisoning. Her symptoms diminish, but it’s a waiting game to see if she survives. With people dying at an alarming rate, Angela finally persuades Travis to tell his boss about her dreams and the bacteria. Since none of the antidotes work, his boss doesn’t dismiss that a bacteria could be responsible. He informs the C.I.A who investigates. Angela fears America is doomed unless a cure is found. She dreams that she is inside a cavern collecting samples of mud from a pond, but the only cavern she’s ever been in is Kartchner Cavern located in southern Arizona. With nothing to lose, Travis gets permission from his boss to check it out. Angela insists that only she can find the cavern, so she and Travis illicit Wayne’s help and they go to the cavern and collect samples. They are ecstatic when they learn that a substance in the mud kills the bacteria. When Matsuki finds out about the cure that he thought was an impossibility, he has Angela and Travis kidnapped and brought to his island for interrogation. Both Angela and Travis refuse to disclose information about the cure, so Matsuki decides to have them killed. Angela escapes and discovers that Matsuki plans to launch a missile aimed at Washington, D.C. She finds Travis in one of the interrogation rooms, tells him of Matsuki’s plan, and helps him to escape. He heads to the launch site prepared to do whatever it takes to prevent the launch. As this is happening, the C.I.A. learns of Matsuki’s plan and sends a military team to Matsuki’s island to have him killed. As the missile is about to be launched, the facility is bombed. It’s chaos inside the missile facility where Angela and Travis are being held. Matsuki launches his missile, but the missile is destroyed in midair. He and Travis battle it out, but Matsuki gets the upper hand and kills Travis just as Angela arrives to the scene holding an AK 47 that she obtained from one of Matsuki’s dead soldiers. Crazed, she kills him. One year later, America has overcome the deadly terrorist attack. An international committee on biosynthetic technology is organized to develop regulations on the management and monitoring of engineered microorganisms. Angela’s medical treatments have left her free of radiation poisoning and as a result her premonition dreams stopped. She misses Travis, but the best part of him remains in their three-month-old baby boy, T.J.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Melissa Barrera as Angela Garcia
Chris Pine as Travis Peterson
Edward James Olmos as Antonio Garcia
In the Vein Of:
Author Bio:
I have been writing scripts for many years and have done well in contests. My interest began when I learned about Alice Huyler Ramsey who was the first woman to drive an automobile across the United States. No one knew who she was. I really wanted to get the word out about her. My mom suggested that I go to a screenwriter conference in Santa Fe to learn how to research and write. My efforts can be attributed to that remarkable experience.

Contest Results:
American Accolades (Semifinalist) [2006]
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