GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


A knowingly clueless ex-football star's plans of early retirement are thwarted when he becomes a first-time father at 50.

Joseph ‘Bobcat’ Clay is an intimate character study (a dramedy in the vein of Alexander Payne or James L Brooks) He’s a man out of touch with the modern world and let’s face it, we all know someone like this, be it an uncle, or a father.

Joseph Clay is dim. And I don’t mean dim as in a low light, I mean dim as in his father had to bribe the teachers of his Lexington high school to adjust his grades so he’d graduate. Not to worry none because Joe was a fantastic Quarterback, so what did he need good grades for? He wasn’t going to become a brain surgeon or write the great American novel. No. Joe was a high school hero who in 1995 was the Number One Draft Pick for the Tennessee Titans and he achieved all this without going through the college system.

Unfortunately, an accident prevented Joe from achieving his dreams and this brings him into conflict with his ex-Linebacker father as he basks in the shadows of his younger brothers, both NFL superstars.

Now, Joe is about to celebrate his 50th Birthday and in one year he retires from a 30-year stint as a Walmart employee. Age is creeping up on Joe, who doesn’t even know what a prostate is and at one stage believes he might have a uterus.

Joe shares his life with his girlfriend of fourteen years, Mary, and our story kicks off when Joe discovers he retires now, not next year. His life takes a drastic turn when Mary tells him she’s pregnant and Joe’s paranoia regarding his unlucky lot in life is unleashed. How can a man become a first-time father at 50? What does he have to teach a child? What if the child inherits his ‘unlucky’ gene? What do you name a child? How much do you feed it and why on earth does the sonogram reveal the baby with two heads? Yep. You guessed it. Joe is going to have twin girls. He doesn’t understand because they only made love once.

Let’s take a dip into the world of Joe ‘Bobcat’ Clay and see how he deals with his new life. Will he make peace with his past and his father? Will he be a good dad even though he thinks the Civil War was the one fought in Vietnam? Who knows, but the journey will be fun.

Script Excerpt
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Author Bio:
Winner of the Wiki Competition February 2024. Titan Semi-finalist 2023. Nicholl Fellowship quarter-finalist 2024. Always trying to decipher the moral complexity of my characters. How much is their soul worth and would they sell it? That's what interests me no matter what genre I tackle next.

Contest Results:
Wiki Contest (Finalist) [2024]
Santa Barbara International (Honorable Mention) [2024]
Go Pro!