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Last Woman

A brilliant female scientist who was brutally attacked in college develops an electromagnetic device that transports her to a safe parallel universe. Think - Everything, Everywhere, All at Once with the 2020 version of The Invisible Man with Elizabeth Moss

My flight to Detroit for a big meeting with General Motors was delayed, and I didn't arrive until 2AM. The Marriott had given my guaranteed room away and sent me to another hotel in downtown Detroit. My cell phone died, and I got lost. When I pulled over to look for directions, a group of men headed toward my car. I wished I could disappear and be anywhere instead of where I was.

After that experience, I returned to my software design company and created the "fazor" - a strong enough burst of energy to make me invisible by changing my energy to a level others can't see - sort of like turning out the lights in a room. Unfortunately, the device today only exists in my head and in the script that I wrote, Last Woman, about a young woman who was raped and hung by her college professor. She started a biotech security firm, and unlike me, she successfully designed the ultimate personal security device I dreamed of.

Click it once, and FLASH - and a strong electromagnetic pulse makes you disappear. Click it again, and you’re back. What could go wrong? I recently sold my software company, and we had a saying - “unexpected results due to human error.”

Characters and Story - Our protagonist, DANIELLE (30-40s, much smarter and prettier than me,) is a brilliant scientist who has it all - a husband who cares for her and a cuddly daughter, CHANDRA (8.) Danielle is a partner in a successful biotech security firm that just landed a huge contract. But Danielle is terrified of being alone-especially at night, and sees CARSON (50-60) in her nightmares. Carson is the piece of shit college professor who raped Danielle in college and still haunts her in her dreams. But are they dreams? Has he found a way to move through the universes and finish the job he started - hanging her until she is dead? Even worse, will he go after her daughter?

As disgusting as Carson is, we'll enjoy the two hunks that adore Danielle. Danielle’s talented partner, JUSTIN (30-40,) seems like the rather absent-minded mad scientist - but he's secretly in love with her, and in one universe -- yes, they consummate that love. Handsome Justin is a serious scientist who doesn’t mind pushing the line between cutting and bleeding edge, but Danielle loves her husband, and family is everything.

Another partner in the firm, MAYA (40-50s,) is a strong Native American who keeps things from getting too heavy with all this SciFi technical stuff with her Cherokee proverbs and simple logic. After serving in the military, a plate in her head keeps her from being able to test the device - leaving that chore to Danielle and Justin.

The Tone can be rather intense at times, especially when Danielle remembers or tells her therapist friend, LAURA (30-40s), about the hanging and rape. Toward the end, it turns suspenseful, especially when Carson threatens to take Danielle's little girl. Oh no! Not the little girl!!! It is rather thought-provoking – can this happen? How far should technology go to keep us safe? Is there a parallel universe?

Like Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, events have changed enough from the testing of the device for the multi-universe to split. Eventually, Danielle pulses so far away that she’s no longer married, and her daughter doesn’t exist. But when she’s in the nothing world, if she presses the device slightly, it affects the computers first. She can search for info about her next universe. But Like Elisabeth Moss’s character in The Invisible Man, she suffers from an overwhelming fear of the man who attacked her, and she sees him everywhere - or is that all just in her head? We think that at first – but…how does it end?

It has a Hollywood ending with a twist – Carson is the last man – alone forever as Danielle sends him into the empty world. In the final act, Danielle is delighted to be with a version of Bryan and Chandra that is close enough. Whew!!! She sold her stock in the biotech company and now works in community theater with Chandra - coming full circle back to where she was before Carson raped her.

In the final scene, Justin shows up at Chandra’s play and tells Danielle that he has created a navigational system to pulse into specific universes. Danielle could find every Carson and send him into the empty world – but Danielle decides that she is happy in the universe where she has landed, and she’ll never risk being alone again. She has everything she needs with a theme of acceptance. But could Last Woman be a series if Danielle decides to chase Carson down in every universe? A sequel? You decide. Time to read this!

Other Characters: Smaller cast and few locations to keep in budget! Bryan (30-40s) – Handsome, geeky, husband who is often too busy to help Danielle, but he loves and cares for her – in most universes. Sadie – the chimp who presses the device and accidentally throws her into the "between" world, but could be a dog by putting peanut butter on the device to keep the budget down. Robert (50-60s) – The financial guy of their partnership - is in it for the money and controls the future of their inventions. Has close ties to the military. He’s in direct conflict with Danielle’s wants of a personal security device to help others like herself be safe and part of the B Story. Emily (50-60) - The wise office administrator, a sense of stability and guidence for Danielle when her world gets out of control.

Why now? We all worry about technology - AI - Artificial Intelligence, drones, enhanced listening devices. The time has never been better to discuss the multi-universe after last year’s success of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Does a parallel world exist? How do we get there? When you are in a room, you exist because of the energy you emit, and we see you because the light waves reflect upon you. What if we could change that? Could you click a button, disappear immediately, sneak into Starbucks and make your latte?

Why me? I’m the perfect person to have written this - for two decades, I owned a technology company where everything, everywhere, went wrong. I sold my company and returned to my dream of being a screenwriter. After completing UCLA’s advanced screenwriting program, I won the Native American Media Alliance fellowship this year - TWICE, and five of my scripts have been finalists in Nicholls, Austin Film and other festivals. This script is a semifinalist in Final Draft’s Big Break, with the results next month. This is a good time for this budget-minded movie before I get representation and become WGA – and a good time to read Last Woman - before it wins (fingers crossed!) It is in the top 7% on Coverfly.

Pitch Decks Canva - https://www.canva.com/design/DAF1RXcWJJM/kNEkTTIy2AlFfitIX9dgqw/view?utm_content=DAF1RXcWJJM&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel PDF - https://sandijerome.com/free/LastWomanPitchDeckSandiJerome.pdf YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx_8Ja4anZU7427aV5A98VQUPYtmdfWJc

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Elizabeth Moss
Ryan Reynolds
Robert Downey, Jr.
In the Vein Of:
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
2020 version of The Invisible Man
Author Bio:
Sandi Jerome is a writer and graduate of UCLA’s Advanced Screenwriting program. Her screenplay, Runaway Cricket, is being produced by BlackOrb.com. She has over 20 projects on Coverfly with 14 accolades and three on the Red List. She is also a novelist, her middle-grade book, Sleep Warrior, is on Coverfly’s Red List as the #3 Animated Manuscript. Two of her scripts, Last Hand and First Man were finalists in Nicholl’s Fellowship. Sandi is an avid women’s soccer fan, and her TV comedy, Technically Soccer, involves AI and soccer.

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Contest Results:
Final Draft/Big Break (Semifinalist) [2023]
Inroads Fellowship (Quarterfinalist) [2023]
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