GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


A young physical therapist slowly loses his grip on reality as he succumbs to the seductiveness of his only patient, a morbidly obese woman with a grisly secret.

Fresh out of nursing school, Chase Harris' criminal record prevents him from landing a job. Meanwhile, his fianceé Jill is busy planning their expensive wedding. Chase is broke and desperate. Drowning his sorrows at a bar, he stumbles across a scrawled ad for a physical therapist. Down to his last few bucks, Chase decides to check it out.

Miles from civilization, deep in the rural Midwest farmland, Chase finds himself in the horrifying presence of Em, a grotesquely obese woman who lives in filthy squalor. Tended to by her frail husband Hatch, the half-ton Em barks and grunts unintelligible orders that her slavishly loving man obeys fearfully. Because Hatch's health has deteriorated to the point where Em's hygiene is more than he can manage alone, she has directed him to find a strong man to help care for his immobile partner.

Repulsed by their refusal to get any kind of medical help, and wary of their sketchy past, Chase says no way. But when Hatch waves hundreds of dollars in cold hard cash in front of him, Chase has no recourse but to agree.

Over the next several weeks, Chase reluctantly sees to Em's health and hygiene even as he brings home an unbelievable amount of money. But with every session, every encounter, every touch... his disgust at Em's condition slowly transforms into attraction. An attraction that unconsciously compels him to commit devious, despicable acts as he competes with Hatch for Em's attention and affection.

With his relationship falling apart and his grip on reality fracturing, can Chase find the mental strength to escape the orgy of sexuality and violence that fuels Em's unearthly hunger?

Script Excerpt
Written by:
In the Vein Of:
From Dusk Til Dawn
My 600 Pound Life
Author Bio:
Hailing from the wilds of North Carolina, I spent my formative years drawing my own comic books, and crafting galaxy-spanning sagas with my homemade toys. After a lengthy detour with a career in the software industry, I decided to dust off my artistic dreams and get back to creating. I became an editor in Hollywood, working on low-budget horror movies and award-winning documentaries. But after time spent playing with other peoples' toys, I decided to craft my own, and transfer the stories in my head to the written page.

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Contest Results:
Hollywood Blood (First Place) [2023]
Independent Horror Movie (First Place) [2021]
Emerging Screenwriters Suspense (Finalist, Top 10 Finalist) [2022]
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