A beekeeper miraculously transforms into a wasp-like superhero, Swarm. He and other wasps that follow him safeguard Atlanta from crime, especially against three evil men who have created a thieving, destructive, manlike flying drone robot.
On a small bee farm south of Atlanta, Georgia, Neal Jackson, in his 30s, is a blonde, wavy-haired, six-foot-tall, averagely built beekeeper in a white bee suit and gloves. He's in his backfield, working by the row of white beehive boxes, keeping the bees in order and collecting honey. The queen bee avoids his hand; she flies away toward the back of the yard. Neal follows her. Four other larger queen bees circle above his head. The queen bees land on the back of his neck and proceed to sting him. As the queen bees fly away, Neal rubs his neck; he's dizzy. The following day, in street clothes, Neal walks past the honeybee boxes and toward the hornet's large hanging paper nest. As he approaches, the Hornets leave the nest excitedly, go into flight, and circle above him. He hears a loud humming noise; turning, he sees swarms of other Bald-Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets approaching him. The thousands of bees drop down and cover his body. Then, slowly, the bees lift him into the air. His face turns chalk white with black lines; his blonde hair is wavy and black; his blue eyes are now a purplish black. He has a handsome, fearless look. He looks at the ground, but he doesn't fall. The thousands of bees are dancing in the air. Some are flying in a circle, while others are waggling, zigzagging. Neal's body is changing. His waist becomes pinched; his chest broadens; everything about Neal's body has changed. He's now six-foot-three and super muscular. Neal's clothes rip apart and fall off, and a thin line of translucent dark wings forms along the bottom of his now black arms. Neal's entire body becomes covered in a Dyneema-like black flexible fabric with three white rings circling each leg. The bees leave his body. Neal feels animated as he kicks off his ripped shoes and hanging off his feet. Each colony of bees has become excited and flies in patterns about the sky. Unsteadily, he begins moving through the air. The swarms of hornets and yellow jackets gather around him. One week later, Neal, now the superhero SWARM, has the characteristic features of the Bald-Face hornet. He's flying with the Hornets; SWARM stops in a standing position. He has mastered flying. SWARM and the Hornets now fly together while catching thieves and preventing crimes.
In a two-story house on the north side of Atlanta, Lyman WACK, 40s, a six-foot-two, psychopath hunchback man with long stringy hair hanging down his back, is standing with his assistant, ELDRITCH VIDIT, 30s, short, unstable, stout man with balding red hair. They walk into a joining backroom workshop where DREWLER, the 50s, a mid-sized, sinewy, nefarious mechanical genius, works on a six-foot-six tall, lifelike, bluish metallic robot he named DRONEMAN. The Droneman is aeronautically sound and has incredible strength and flexibility. A GPS module provides the Droneman's longitude, latitude, and elevation points, which help him navigate long distances. The module also sets the Droneman on a series of small robberies. The robot performs perfectly. The chief of police and the force need clarification. They can't figure out what is happening as unusual robberies and other crimes are solved. They become aware that a man is flying with Hornets and a vast, robust drone robot that can also fly. Droneman robs an office, lifting the safe from the floor, and flies away. Along the way, SWARM and the Hornets catch up with the robot. They fight, and Droneman drops the safe but knocks SWARM dizzy; Droneman flies back to the two-story house. SWARM, stunned, is caught by the swarm of hornets, and they head back home. The three thieves continue to have the robot drone commit robberies while SWARM looks for them. Then they decide to move. Unfortunately, SWARM is one day late catching them and the Droneman robot. They have Droneman break into a casino and rob the money from the casino count room. Then, they hide on a vacant farm. The police have helicopters, and most of the force is looking for them. SWARM is also flying above Atlanta, watching for DRONEMAM. Worried, they move to a destroyed nuclear military base now abandoned, but there are a few undamaged underground bunkers. Lyman sends a letter to the Chief of Police, demanding ten million dollars, or DRONEMAN will drop dynamite on a downtown building. The chief and mayor don't pay. Droneman is over the Atlanta Braves baseball field. He drops sticks of dynamite taped together. The dynamite explodes as SWARM and the Hornets approach Droneman. SWARM grabs the robot, but it breaks away and flies in a different direction. SWARM goes after the robot. Other swarms of hornets appear in front of Droneman. He swats them as he continues. SWARM and the Hornets catch up and attack the robot. SWARM grabs its ears and twists as he believes they are its antenna; Hornets are covering the robot. The robot becomes disoriented and begins to fall into Dawson Forest, where the underground bunkers are. SWARM pulls away as the Hornets and Droneman crash into the tall trees. SWARM drops down into the forest but can't find the robot. He calls the police and informs them of the robot coming down in Dawson Forest. SWARM continues walking through the forest. Not seeing any trace of the robot, SWARM lifts into the air. He sees squad cars and hears police sirens as he returns home. The police inform the military, and they both spend two days searching the forest for the robot. Later, the robot returns to the three men. Drewler determines the Droneman is too damaged, and they need to leave Atlanta and go to Chicago or New York, where he can get the parts to repair him. SWARM and the police continue to search but then realize the three thieves and their robot have left Atlanta. Days later, SWARM flies over Atlanta and heads north. He crosses the countryside and farm area. Hornet and Yellow Jacket colonies fly up to meet him and then return to their nests. SWARM circles Dawson Forest and lands on top of a tall tree. He stands resting and looking at the view of Atlanta and Stone Mountain.
40s age male
30-40 age rugged model soldier male
Spider Man
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