GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

New Listings

Script Name


SERIES: A strong-willed human girl, along with her compassionate alien father and an ancient A.I. - busy creating a mind-altering computer program to stop humanity destroying Earth, are attacked by a rogue CIA operative intent on sabotage and murder and she’s the only one with the power to stop him. PILOT: A human girl’s doting, alien father abandons his Earth mission to rescue his critically endangered colleague and protect his “enhanced” daughter, sent into hiding to evade his xenophobic, violent brother.



SERIES: Mephisto parks his beloved son in the future in an attempt to protect him from his evil mother – the Devil, but she’s hunting them and the only way young Ryan can avoid being enslaved by her for eternity is to relinquish the evil within himself, and with her evil blood coursing in his veins, he's in for some "tough love" lessons from his rookie father. PILOT: Making love to the Devil was not the best choice when Mephisto discovers payment is the eternal servitude of their love-child, so Mephisto hides his young son in the future, but as an adult he's being drawn to the “dark side,” compelling Mephisto to set his son on a nightmare journey to convince him violence and revenge will only seal his fate.

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