WeScreenplay Feature Competition
WeScreenplay Feature
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Overall: |
(4.7/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(4.5/5.0) |
Feedback: |
(3.8/5.0) |
Signficance: |
(3.9/5.0) |
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MISSION: To provide industry exposure and support to feature screenwriters who are looking to have their stories told.
FEEDBACK: We believe that writers need feedback to improve, which is why every single entry receives FREE FEEDBACK
JUDGING: Our judges are all industry-experienced gatekeepers. The final round of judging will be completed by the best readers, guest jurors, and at least one industry member. Judging will be based on all aspects that make stories great. Budget and marketability will not be considered for this contest.
Jon Levin
Jon Levin is the President of TV/Film production for Fourward where he also manages top literary talent.
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Deadline/Entry Fees
Expired. Previous Deadline: 02/15/2024Notification: Quarterfinalist: Mar 1, 2023; Semifinalist: Mar 24, 2023; Finalist: May 1, 2023; Winner: Jun 1, 2023.
Please see https://www.wescreenplay.com/feature/ for rules.Awards
WeScreenplay as part of The WeScreenplay Feature Competition is giving away cash and prizes, including a $1,000 cash grand prize, but most importantly the top scripts will be considered by our industry jury which includes Hollywood producers, agents, and managers. Plus, every entrant receives free feedback on their project to help improve their writing.
Past WeScreenplay winners have optioned their projects, developed work with producers, and been signed by places like Heroes and Villains, Industry Entertainment, Zero Gravity, and more.
WeScreenplay Feature
Report Card |
Overall: |
(4.7/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(4.5/5.0) |
Feedback: |
(3.8/5.0) |
Signficance: |
(3.9/5.0) |
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WeScreenplay International Screenplay Competition
Report Card |
Overall: |
(4.7/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(4.5/5.0) |
Feedback: |
(3.8/5.0) |
Signficance: |
(3.9/5.0) |
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Contest News
WeScreenplay Names Feature Script Semifinalists
WeScreenplay has named 70 semifinalists from among almost 1,000 submissions to their 2016 Feature Screnplay competition.
3D At The Palace written by Kent Wilson
A Clockwork Testament written by Bill Walker
American Dream written by Charles Ancelle
Angel Quake written by Terry Hayman
Ash Wednesday written by Michael Grogan
Band in a Van written by Scott Finlayson
Becoming Bessie written by Paloma Martinez
Binaries written by Allen Colombo
Black Swan Records written by Nia Ashley
Blackout.com written by Ruben Bush III
Blue Orchid written by Jusrin Stoeckel
Blue Sky and I written by Dumford King
Buzz Cut Season written by Tatiana Bears
Caliber written by Kenlon Clark
Chances written by Jeff Trently
Chocolate Potato written by Neil o'neil
Closer Than Love written by Morris Clark
Coincoin written by Charles (Sonny) Richardson
Cold Abandon written by Matthew OConnell
Collectors' Edition written by Sean Freese
Crashed written by Rick Mele
Curse of the Blue Nile written by Richard Bailey
Darlings written by Aaron Yeung
Deterrent written by Matthew Coleman
Diminuendo written by Paul Gross
Finding Hitler written by Ron Mancini
Fire on Ice written by Courtney Suttle
Forged written by Kenlon Clark
Gamble written by Kyle Mumford
Gauguin's Garden written by Brandon Rosin
Grace written by Doris B Gill
Guns and Grace written by Odin Ozdil
Hemophilia written by Guy Polin
Immunity written by Kenlon Clark
inspired written by C.R. Night
Little Hell written by Amanda Norman
Mesa 1966 written by Orson Scott Card
Military Affairs written by Elizabeth Pfeiffer
Mocha Dick written by Laura Kelber
Nightfall written by Lisa Boyton
On the Sidelines written by Sam Greisman
Outside the Statute written by Leslie Wood
Pegasus written by Michael Valente
Race Music written by Mark Herder
Red Flag written by Robert Rhyne
Red Moon written by Jesus Celaya
Shelter written by Adam Foster
Shumu written by Evan Cathcart
Spoon Fed written by Nicholas Jones
Stage Four written by Jerome Velinsky
The Adventures of the Velvet Cat written by Bob Canning
The Black Cat written by Chris Bancel
The Coming of the Road written by Gregory Houston
The Falling written by Martin Blinder
The Flower Hunter written by Danny Sheehy
The Grocer written by Michael Bierman
The Last Execution written by Tom Vecchio
The Last Indian War written by Michael Graf
The Last Line written by Brandon Maynard
The Lean written by Pearse Lehane
The Legacy Intrigue written by Jaime Rudolph
The Legend of William Tell written by J. Ian Sample
The Lodger written by June Escalante
The Poacher written by Travis Opgenorth
The Tunnel written by Adam Rose
The Winners written by Jabari Howard
This Old Man written by Nicholas Oktaras
Titus Maxwell's Last Case written by Brendon Slee
Untitled Copacabana Project written by Jessica Pappas
V written by Roy Marsh
Waiting written by Margaret Benson
With All Deliberate Speed written by Marcus Herzberg
Wraith written by Eric Obame
Updated: 01/27/2017
WeScreenplay International Screenplay Competition
Report Card |
Overall: |
(4.7/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(4.5/5.0) |
Feedback: |
(3.8/5.0) |
Signficance: |
(3.9/5.0) |
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