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ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition

ScreenCraft Family


Remember the first time a movie made your whole family laugh together? Or that animated film that somehow got both your kid sister AND your parents teary-eyed? Family entertainment remains one of the most stable and lucrative sectors in the industry, with major industry heavyweights competing to secure quality content that appeals across generations.

Past ScreenCraft Family competition winners and finalists have had their work optioned, signed shopping agreements, and have signed with managers at companies like Zero Gravity and Valley Entertainment.

Whether you've written a heartwarming adventure, a laugh-out-loud comedy, or an animated epic that breaks the mold – we want to read your script.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Deadline Date
Days till:
Entry Fee
Early February 28, 2025
Final March 31, 2025

Notification: May 7th: Quarterfinalists; May 28th: Semifinalists; Jul 2nd: Finalists; Jul 30th: Winners.


All writers at least 18 years of age are eligible. However, a writer who has earned more than $50,000 (or equivalent currency) from professional writing services for film or TV in the preceding year is not. Please see website for more info.


Please see website for rules.


Please see website for awards.

ScreenCraft Family

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ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition

Contest News

ScreenCraft Names Family Friendly Quarterfinalists

ScreenCraft has announced quarterfinalists from among more than 700 submissions to their 2017 Family Friendly Screenwriting Competition.

#1 at the Apocalypse Box Office, by Margaret MacDonald
10 Days Till Xmas, by Sarah Phillips
A Better Place, by Katterina Powers
A Doggone Christmas, by Michael Toay, Travis Mann
A Greek Tale, by Oscar Reyes
A Hope For Us All, by Helen Stroupe
A Junebug Christmas, by Summer Johnson
A Love Story, by David Kushner
A Match Made In Heaven, by Serita Stevens
A Wizard of Happiness, by Rich Malory
Adventures in Truancy, by Francine Michelle
After the Whale, by Paul Farrell
Area 52 High, by Joel Foster
Art in Tandem, by Elizabeth Blackmer
Avery, by Bryan Kelsey
Bayou Country, by Randall Shields
Belles, by Robin Conly
Black Jack, by Stephen Curran
Boltslingers, by Edd Howarth
Burgertown, by James Matthews
Bye Cuspid! The Adventures of a Male Tooth Fairy, by Michael Hogan
Camp Pirate Cruise, by Bee Pedersen
Changing Score, by Bridget Bell McMahon
Cherokee Chosen, by Ilan Kozlowski
Christmas Village Junction, by David Hill
City in the Sky, by Amanda Stockwell
Claus Encounter, by Carl Zittrer
Code Silent., by Nancy Breaux
Cordelian And The Cannibals, by Anthony Barone
Coyote Warrior, by Roberta Rovner Pieczenik
Cyclone, by Dahlia Welsh
Dad the Kid, by Freddy Deane
Daughters Lost, by Steve Biggs
Deweyville, by Tereiska Lafferty-Pinski
Didi and the Divine, by Jeryl Maglio
Dinosaurs in Space, by Nick Adams
Dog Years, by Ben Roberts
Dragon Dream, by Joe Laudati
Dragon Guardian, by Elle Croxford
Drone Racers, by Alexander Gustaveson
Earth Kids, by Arlene Bogna
Einstein’s Breakfast, by Harold Schmidt
Endurance, by Rich Orstad
Eva The Wonderpup, by Miriam Akhavan-Tafti
Every Ticket Tells A Story, by Tamara Steren
Family Spirit, by Timothy Burgess
Finding Grace, by Lawrence Whitener
Finding Grace, by Jonathan Pett, Fiorella Ruas
Finding My Olivia, by Kelly Karam
Fiona’s Eyes, by Mauryne Cecilia
Firebird, by Kathryn Machi
Flom, by Sarah Shockey
Flora and the Flabbs, by Donald Cameron
Fly Girl, by Patrick Byrne
FlyGirl, by Syd Blue
For the Birds, by Lisa Albracht
Goners, by Geoffrey Uhl
Happy Hour, by Kathryn Leigh Scott
Harold Angel, by Janine Gilbert
Holiday Magic, by Rex Carter
Horse Up a Tree, by terry lynam
House Fight, by Nick Grimwood
In Love with Christmas, by Lelia Alford
Incident on I-15, by Ben Shupe
Intelligent Life, by Bruce Luchsinger
Intrigue in Instanbul, by Christine Keleny
It Happened One Night Before Christmas, by Alyson Dutemple Dutemple, Samantha Wandell
It’s Her!, by Arla Bowers
Jacob and the Invisi-Belle, by Thomas Mann
Jake: The Power of the Ruby, by Rosalyn Rosen
Jimmy and the Star Angel, by Jerry Robbins
Jolly Kryzmooz, by Ken Robb
Kick Me, by Patricia Tabb
Kush, by June Carryl
La Vie est Belle, by Greg Klapheke
Leaky, by Paul Clarke
LevelLand, by George Anson
Like a Family, by Candace Kearns
Like A Rock, by Tyler Gallimore
Little Miracles, by Carlos Perez
Little One’s Big NYC adventure, by Robin Young Roe
Lone Sport, by Ted Fryia
Losing Sight of Shore, by Laurie Bryant
Love Thy Neighbor, by Annette Stewart-Colon
Love, Zoe, by John Aldriedge
Madam Meow, by Aaron Shaw
Magic Research Society, by Amanda Keener
Maid in America, by Marina Albert
Making The Right Choice, by William Conlon
Mantis, by Laura Lance
Marie and The Nutcracker, by Lisa Albracht
Memeloose, by EF Winters
MISS, by Judith Robbins Rose
Miss Liberty, by Craig Paulsen
Moped Army, by Randin Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Santa, by Thomas Ferguson
Mr. Moon, by Michael Langer
Mummy Business, by Angelo Campos
My Digital Life, by Sherry M Cook
My Intergalactic Field Trip, by Adam Towne
National Kissing Day, by Gina Cresse
Nickerbacher, by Terry John Barto
Nigel and Moi, by Annie Macdonald
Ninja Mom, by Ren Hanami
No English, by J.R. Poli
No Time! Like the Present?, by Marie-Louise Weeks
Oggleswog the Dragon, by Monique Amado
Open Road, by Mark Beech, Linda Gray
PARENTS, by Bruce Kalish
Peanut Butter Cup, by Eric Ritigstein
Pericles and Ruth, by John Martins III
Pirate Queen, by Carole Whang Schutter
Please Don’t Die, Roger Berman, by Ryan Shrime
Pokey Nose, by Tami Ryder
Puppy with a Purpose, by Candy Fox
Puppy with a Purpose, by Candy Fox
Quest for the Tiger’s Eye, by Dylan Morgan
Rearranging Roxy, by Bridget Bell McMahon
Rescue Dog, by Rich Orstad
Resurrection, by Christina Shaver
Resurrection, Nevada, by Noelle Nelson
Riff Raff, by Chris Desmond
Rudi, by Michael Gibney
Run For the Roses, by Nathan Hudson
Saving Washington, by Jane Hampton Cook
Seek Higher Ground, by Marcy Kelly
Seeking Oliver, by Gary Logsted
Serendipity Sundays, by John Spellos
Show Pup, by John Pitek
Sid and the Dweeb Squad, by Mark Anderson
smartHOME, by Mike Porter
Something Incredible, by Megan Breen
Sophie Inc., by Kristin Goodman
Space Station A.E. – Leaving Earth, by Richter Cox
Spirited Susan, by Mark Stouffer
Spitfire, by Evan Balkan
Squirt, by Ronald Pergola
Strange Tale of Lara, by Cem Aydogan, John Shallit
Sumo Boy, by Scott Sublett
Surfdog, by Cynthia Black
Surviving 14, by Katie Streicher
Teddy Bear, by Hillel Damron
The Angel Rainbow Car Wash, by Tom Rossi
The Artsmen, by Chasah West
The Bicycle That Wouldn’t Fall Down, by Joel Karlinsky
The Big Stink, by Bonnie Robinson
The Boy Who Cried Dinosaur, by Chris Kunz
The Christmas Miracles, by Lisa Reisner
The Christmas Notes, by Craig Clyde
The Dumbest Generation, by Leslie Lyshkov
The Engineer of Terracotta, by Alexie Basil
The Fifth Dimension, by Rosemarie Heinrich
The Flying Tribe, by Ji Ding
The Gentleness of Rabbits, by Hank Isaac
The Growing Season, by Stephen Dexter
The Henchman, by Brent Jordan
The Hiding Place, by Stephen Martin
The Ice Swan, by Shirlee Wilson
The Irresistible Rise of Arise Evans, by Celia Moodie
The Jiggles, by Nick Oats
The Least of These, by Ellen Winburn
The Loneliest Whale, by Brad Klipfel
The Magic of the Glits, by Jason Steadmon
The Magical Storm, The Legend of Inka’s Warriors, by John Smith
The Magnificent Kevin, by Christopher Fetherolf
The Monster That Came To Tea, by Tom Warwick
The Mountain, by Ellen Winburn
The Music Angel, by Jim Evry
The Ouchaoucha Bird Ate Red Snapper – Snoops , by Dave Mac
The Patient and The Prince, by Nathan Hudson
The Phoenix Pin, by Lelia Alford
The Pirate Academy, by Kristine M. Skeie
The Pump of Good Fortune, by Reed Murphy
The Realm of Eden, by Bryan Kelsey
The Shadow in the Wind, by Lazaros Zigomanis
The Story of Nala and Damayanti, by Gil Ben-Herut
The Sunken Island of Antillia, by Henry Lamb
The Things You Keep, by Leah Anton
The True Fairy Tale of the Mythical Superhero, by Leann Barna
The Younger Siblings Club, by Jodi Kraus
This Will Leave A Mark, by Kathryn Kyker
Three Words That Matter, by Sari Earl
Tink, by Edward Ybarra
Training Ship, by Richard Hughes
Tug, by Eli Elbogen
Turn and Burn, by Susan Arscott
Unholy Alliance, by Serita Stevens
Vigilance, by Ellen Winburn
Vinnie, by Scott Fales
Web Bugs, by Alexie Basil
Welcome Home, by Eric Sollars, Geoffrey Sollars
What The Fox Said, by James Stewart
William, Will You Danc?, by Mary Huckstep
Wolf Notes, by Arlene Brimer
Wonder World, by Kali Bailey
Yearbook, by Jenny Taylor-Whitehorn
Young American, by Robbie Robertson
Zero, by Aarthi Ramanathan

Updated: 02/05/2018

ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition

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