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ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship

ScreenCraft Fellowship


Past ScreenCraft-winning writers have been hired by producers, optioned their projects to major studios, and signed with top representatives at CAA, WME, 3 Arts Entertainment, United Talent Agency, Anonymous Content, Paradigm Talent Agency, Untitled, ICM, Writ Large, Bellevue Productions, Romark Entertainment, Lit Entertainment and many others.

The chosen Fellowship recipients will receive ongoing professional support and a special trip to Los Angeles for meetings, mentorship and personal introductions to key entertainment studio executives, producers, literary managers and agents. To apply, simply submit your feature film script or original television script, along with an optional cover letter that expresses your vision and background as an emerging writer. Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

Deadline Date
Days till:
Entry Fee
Early October 31, 2024 $49.99
Regular December 31, 2024 $59.99
Late January 31, 2025 $69.99
Final February 28, 2025


All writers at least 18 years of age are eligible. However, a writer who has earned more than $50,000 (or equivalent currency) from professional writing services for film or TV in the preceding year is not. Please see website for more info.


Please see website for rules.


Please see website for awards.

ScreenCraft Fellowship

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ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship

Contest News

ScreenCraft Names Fellowship Finalists

ScreenCraft has announced their Fellowship Finalists from over 2,000 submissions.

12:34 by Tobi Lee Sigona
40 West VTOL by Walter Bauer
402 Months by Kieran Mangan
8-Bit Melody by Danny Pellegrino
9 Circles by J. Figueiredo
A Film By Vera Vaughn by Zeke Farrow
A Labour of Love by Olga Holtz
A Rose To Georgia by Nadira Pankey
A Woman Dies by Andrea Jaag
A.K. by Adam Fiske
Absent Ties by Barrett Bryan and Jenna Anderson
Ad Astra Per Aspera by Scott A. Vancil
Adam & Eve by David Michael Kushner
Afterlife by Z.R. Denis
Alletoria by Teigan Isobel
Amaranthine by Megan Janet Turner
Amber by Johnny Sánchez
Artemis by Sommer Rusinski
Arverni by Mitchell Shinderman
Assemblance Of Truth by Ariel Sobel
At Last by A.W. Scott
Backlot Rebels by Cody Jack Wonnacott
Bad Religion by Tametra Thomas
Bad Timing by Ginia Desmond
Baggage by Ryan Elkins
Bang It Out by Greg Diller
Bastard by Brennig Hayden
Beasts And Children by Bryan Ott
Beatrice Creek by Eric Litra
Bedeviled by Chris Canning
Bent Not Broken by Jamaal X
Beyond The Gap by Zach Waggoner
Beyond The Painted Line by Theresa Tierney and Eileen Tierney
Big Red by Brennig Hayden
Billy & Ray by Mike Bencivenga
Bird Of Prey by Thivanka R. Perera
Black Ice Below by Peter Fraser
Black Leopard by Thivanka R. Perera
Black Star by Eric Anthony Glover
Blackland Salvage by Cullen Metcalf-Kelly
Blackout.com by Ruben Bush III
Blackwater Park by Daniel R. Green
Blend by Maria Giron
Blessée by Bob Canning
Blessing Our Furies by Mark Wagner
Blind Blood by Michael Marco
Blind Dog Travels by Katherine J. Yee
Blood Along The Road by Bobby Marino
Blood On The Keys by Adam Patrick Jones
Blood West by John-Paul Panelli
Blood’s Child by Steven Bogart
Bloody Williamson by Sara Caldwell and James Ballowe
Bluebeard by Chelsea Russo
Boots N’ Yago by Syd Stewart
Breadwinner by Aydrea Walden
Brights by Edward Klau
Bull Comb Blues by David Warnock
Burner by Bob Canning
Burning Brigade by David M. Kushner
Carrickowl by Gareth Ledbetter
Charity Falls by Rob Poquez
Chasing Stanley by Carolyn Carpenter & Doug Shaner
Chocolate Potato by Neil O’Neil
Choosing Flight by Jason Urban
Christopher Dean by Ron Stewart
Church Basements by Charlie Herrmann
Clambaked! by Jay Huling
Cole & Mika by Young-Sun Kim
Comic Book Kings by Amanda Keener
Coyote Warrior by Roberta Rovner Pieczenik
Cranes by Michael Eun Choi
Crewell Brittania by George Basiev
Crimson Blue by Fernando Alcivar
Crossed Swords by Alex Shifman
Cur by C.J. Williamson
D-Days by Tamika R. Guishard
D(a)emons by Denise M. Kulawik
Damar by Edessa Tailo
Dark Minds by Christian Vincent
Darlings by Aaron Yeung
Daughter Of Meroe by J.E. Sims
Dead Men Tell No Tales by Lindsey Dodge Gudritz
Dead Winter Run by Jake Hart (story by Mike Brown, Jake Hart & Raven Solomon)
Dean The Drummer by Tannaz Hazemi
Decimator by Steven Snell
Deepest, Darkest, Or How Not To Lie by Paras S. Borgohain
Defiance, Ohio by Sarah Stunt
Democracy’s Prisoner by Gary Wells
Dirty Back Road by Matt Clemons
Disruption by Todd Serlin
Divine Providence by Ann Tomoko Rosen
Don’t Throw Stones by Allison Buckmelter & Nicolas Buckmelter
Down At The Balinese by Matthew Minson
Drawing Dead by Sydney Haven
Dreamgirl ’87 by Young-Sun Kim
Driving Her by Dawn Burgess
Dru Hill Rising by Mark Landry (story by Emile Hirsch & Ace Norton and Mark Landry)
Due West by Jake Richardson
Dusty by Michael Caleb Tasker
Duty, Honor, Country by Michael Malloy
Dyer Straits by Beth Dyer and Rick Dyer
Dying For Respect by Mason Howard
Eastern Son by Y.S. Kim
´Élan by Gregory Levy
Electric Feel by Frank Anthony Polito
Electric Sheep by Tessa Valtierra
Eli And The Kitten by Sam Baron
Elsewhere by Matt Cochran
Empire Of Dirt by Jonathan Anderson
End Of The Line by Rani DeMuth
Enemyway by P.K. Meyer
Epic Fail by Thomas Morris
Escape by Janel King
Estrella by Diego B. Ibarrola
Eunice by Keith Planit
Exilium by Robert Remy
Eye Of The Hawk by Stephen Gibbons
Fable by Stephanie Barnes
Face Of Glass by Michael Raymond
False Face Society by Myriam Nafte
Famous Amos by Albert Jamae
Far From Home by Victoria Ellis Nye
Father Krampus by Jason Pawlett
Feast Of The Innocents by Sanjay Nagar
Fervor by Nina Vukovik and Benjamin Talsik
Fight Night At Golgotha by Jim Lopezzo
Fin Chaser by Maria Cozzi
Finding Albie Finch by Nick Oceano
Finding Distance by Jodi Levitan (story by Daniel Levitan and Jodi Levitan)
First Shadow by Justin Mercier and Sean Brown
FMOZ by Steve Ireland (story by Steve Ireland & Sean Hogan)
Followers by Tim Marshall
Forever And Never by Danté Orange
Fortunate Son by Lucas Sachs
Freedom Unchained by Peter Lundell
Frigid by Andrew Mescher
From Black To Red by Jordan Kelvin
Fugue State by Ty Leisher
Gam3r H3av3n by P.J. Winners
Gettysburg Undressed by Nancy Boyd
Ghost Boy by Craig L. Crawford
Gingerbread by Grant Laine
Giving Up The Ghost by Jessica DiGiacinto
Glitches by Kelly Beck Byrnes
Golden by Armand de Saint-Salvy
Golden by K.R. Worthen
Golden India by Lovinder Gill
Golden Shores by Ellen Haun and Julian Wolff
Gone Cold by Birgit Jaeckel
Gone To Ground by Phil Peel
Goners by Geoffrey Uhl
Good Egg by Nicole Gomez Fisher
Good Guy With A Gun by Tyler McMahon
Grand Guignol by Alex Schor
Grandma Dee And The Lost Continent by Mark Perlick
Green Carded by Kathy S. Yamamoto
Greenbacks by Elliot Diviney and David Murphy
Growing Up Gangster by Kay Landon (based on the book by Gregory Marshall)
Guerrilla by Jake TMT Sheets
Guns And Grace by Odin Ozdil
Gus by Tiffany Laufer and Susannah Beck
Gwen by Johnny Harkin & Ethan Scott
Half Angels by Déjà Cresencia Bernhardt
Hammer Of God by David Michael Kushner
Have No Shame by Delia Colvin
Her Father’s Affair by C. Nichole Eubanks
Hern County by Walker Kalan
Hey, Hey Johnny! by Nick Citton
Hidden by Jon Smith
Hooked by Timothy M. Benson
Hopeful Soul by Robert Axelrod
Horses On Mars by Eric Law Anderson
House Of The White Bee by Jane Therese
Hunters by Carrie Wachob
I’m Looking Through You by Bryan Johnson
In Dependency by M.D. Snider
In Her Sight by Anthony Orkin
In The Shade by Ian Masters
Incident On I-15 by Ben Shupe
Indian Summer by Shekhar Bassi & Shalinder Bassi
Infiltrated by Connor Paquin
Inked In Blood by Paul Corricelli
Insight (Hell On Earth) by Joseph Murkijanian
Intentional Infliction Of Emotional Distress by R.F. Ehrenreich
Iron Maidens by John Smith
Iziock by J.M. Levine
Jacaranda by Ryan W. Smith
Jack And The Revengers by Evan Matthews
Jackalope by Steven Lankenau
Jackson by Fiona Mehrabany
Jade by Micah Light
Joey Is A Punk by Chris Eisenberg
Joseph by Ian Davies
Jump Start by Josh Katz & Josh Thorud
Jungleland by Mondo Ghulam
Just Jane by Carl Huebner
Just Phil Collins by Kimble West (story by Kimble West & Andy Newton)
Kaitens by Richard Guimond
Keep Her Close by Kelly Clisham
kick bACK by RC Atchisson
Kidicide by Kelly Jean Karam
Kildare by Brook Simmons
King George by Dave Paterson
Klifford by Khaled Ridgeway and Dan Ochwat
Kukhuree by Rodney Wilson
Last Request by Kevin Scott
Lavender by Purnesh Konathala
Lavender Green by Ryan Gangemi
Lay Down And Die by JP Farr
Lazy Eye by Larissa Merriman
Leeward by Marty Morrison
Letters by John Long & Jeremy N. Cox
Liberte by Lisa Weiss
License To Steal by Marco Santiago, Jr.
Like A Virgin by Leigh Morfoot and Jason Morfoot
Lilith The Vampire by Jose Padilha
Line Of Descent by Cherilyn Lytle
Lines Unseen by Kevin Foong
Little Con Lili by Gabriela Garcia Medina
Look! by Greg Baldwin
Lorenzo’s Passion by Kathi Twomey Wahed
Love Rat by Yvonne Meyer
Mad Bad Bastard by Max Furlonger
Magic Research Society by Amanda Keener
Marble Palace by Kirk Ah Tye
Mark Of Cain by Jamie Bircoll
Martyr by Scott Pittock
Maze by Katherine Waskul
Melting Pot by Mark Finguerra
Military Affairs by Elizabeth Pfeiffer
Mincemeat Manor by Shira Zimbeck
Mind Jumper by Anthony Vignier
Mine by Scott Parisien
Minyan by Adam Ansell
Miss Diagnosis by Derek Dubois
Miss Mayberry’s Wardrobe by W.E. Cahill
Mister 314 by Robin Jensen
Mister Wolf by Robert Porter
Model American by Nathan Adolfson
Momsong by Yvonne Meyer
Money Storm by Dwight Popadince and Khristine Connors
Moon’s Wake by Andrew Main
Moonstone Shadow Wolf by Ryan Dellaquila
Moral Treatment by Manon de Reeper
Morningside by Elio Bernardo-Ruiz
Mr. Moon by Mike Langer
Mr. Nick And The Dark by Antony Buonomo
Muddy Water by Jess Neuhauser
My Imaginary Best Friend Forever by David Muchnik and Jonathan Skurnik
My Time With Pigeons by Lee August
Ned by Megan Rico
Nixie by Dexter Goad & Jim McQuaid
No Way Out by Andrew Mescher
Not My Emergency by Matthew Conlin
October Thursday by Steve Miranda
Office Pool by Eric Monsky
One World by Bradley Stryker
Onward by Jeremy Sobel and Gil Ben-Herut
Ordinary Girl by Larissa Merriman
Orphans by Robert Porter
Out Of Body Experience by Mark Hooker
Out Of Mind by Alice Seabright
Out Of Nowhere by Izzy Vaughan & Vic Vaughan
Out Of Time by Michael J. Klassen
Oval by Giacomo Cimini
P.O. Box 1142 by Lillian Wang
P.Q. by Paul Shiban
Pageant Dad by Liam Healy
Pain And The Siege Mercenary by Jeremy Colvin
Panic And Run by Carley Smale
Patchwork by Amanda Keener
Pentagram by Tom Omokaro
Perdido by Eduardo Maytorena III
Perfectly Broken by Tiziana Giammarino
Perimortem by Yuval Bymel
Pierced By Rain by Nicholas Lauer
Pill Shopper by Logan Rees
Place Of The Dead by Sam Talley
Plausible by Shelli Wright
Play by Adam Henry Garcia
Pledge Sunday by Laura Heim Weiss
Podunk by Jared Jay Mason
Ponytail by Daniel Murray
Precious Little Snowflakes by Toby Schwartz
Pride & President by John Pisano-Thomsen
Princely by Rachel Sweeney
Punch List by Peter Gelfan
Queensferry Rules by Jamie Sadler
Quinn The Eskimo by Susan Brunig
Radish by Michael Marco
Rare Elements by Kristalyn Simler
Raymond Tillman by Edward Varnie
Red Christmas by M. Scott Johnston
Red Clay Road by Steve Holbert
Remains by Jeremy J. Fisette
Represent! by Todd Serlin
Residual by The Brothers Lynch
Return Of The Salesman by Clay Fusco
Reverb by Nick Leitzke
Revolutionary by Tom Grey
Revolutionary Suicide by Kacem Khalife
Revolver by Edward Klau
Rihla: A Journey by Min-Wei Lee
Ripple by Heather Faris
Robert/Rachel by Christopher Binder
Samhain by Philip McCusker
Santa Monica Bay by Tom Sykes
Sarah & Emma by Kelly M. Warburton
Saturn Returns by Alicia Eastes
Saving Bobby Kapinski by Bill Hanan
Saving Lexie Lee Kennedy by Michael D. Morra
Scott by A. Moore
Second Act by Kevin Mcgue
Sedger Mor by Catherine Wright
Séverin by Maggy Torres-Rodriguez
Shadowboxing by Darryl Anka
Shorthand by Melissa Dalley
Silas by Scott Parisien
Single by Ivana Shein
Sinjar by Daniel Smith
Sinking by Jeff Thomas
Sister Suzy by Mahesh Nair
Skies Of Fire by Wys Duncan
Smelling Roses by Michael Fox
Snow by Dagmar Blommaert
Socks, A Tale Of Two Mates by Jonathan Gagnon
Soon by Melissa Richlen
Soulless by Kevin Gendreau
Source by Tracey Bradley
Sparrow Farm by Gemma Addy
SPICE (The Variety of Life) by Laura B. Londagin
Spilt Milk by Whitney Simonsen
Spirit Lead by Maggie Calton
Spirited by Ken Hurt
Still Life by Jerry Mathes II
Stricture by Marni Sullivan
Strings Of Hope by Eva Merz
Student Body by Michael Sajewski Jr.
Suicide Partner Wanted by Matthew Temple & Daniel Weingart
Sweet Child O’ Mine by Adrienne Thorne
Sweet Old Man by Andrew Mescher
Sweet Relief by Danielle Kugler
Sync by Jeffrey S. Murzynski
Syvertsen’s Complex by Marni Sullivan
Take The Wheel by Amy Gailey
Takeover In Alaska by Matt Gilbert
Taking The King by Nelson Adrian Blish
Tall Tales From PauPau’s Log Cabin by Romaner Strong
Taminex by Anya Meksin and William Gerrard
Teacher by Adam Dick
Telemachus ‘76 by K.C. Wilson
Terlingua by Emmett McKinley
Testament by Kerry Douglas Dye
Thank You, Please by Carole Keeney Harrington
That’s My Time by Chris Rubeo (story by Chris Rubeo & Adam Herschman)
The ‘Terp by Tom Austin
The 49th Day by Craig Peters
The Abductions Of Dorothy by Paul E. Clinco
The Academy by Nadia Selvaggi
The Adventures Of Lucian Blow by Nicola Fletcher
The Appeal by Yoav Potash
The Apple Of My Eye by Vani Shadowolf Pappolla
The Assistant by Alex Rehberg
The Ballad Of R’Lyeh by Jason Ragosta
The Bargain by David Morrow
The Boxer by Kevin De La Rosa
The Boy Who Shot the Sheriff by Nancy Bartley
The Bushwacker by Lauri Donahue
The Call Of Cthulhu by Adam Baker
The Capybara by Benjamin Mark Adams
The Chair by Richard Long
The City Of Artists by Eurydice Da Silva
The Cold Wet Dark by Matthew Burris
The Confection Connection by Suraj Das
The Controller by John Perry Dancoe
The Countdown by Daniel Weingart
The Courtesan’s Artifice by Adlinna Liang & Caro Dosé
The Coyote King by Nicholas Jacobson-Larson & Dalton Leeb
The Cruelest Month by Sarah Venezio
The Dark Nowhere by Clay Fusco
The Dealy Yo by Alain Alfaro
The Declaration by Josh Bradley
The Devil, A Rebel, A Fool by Clay Fusco
The Dumbest Generation by Leslie Lyshkov
The Duplicate by Victor Orel
The Essential Rhett & Luther by Desirée Proctor & Erica Harrell
The Executioner’s Daughter by Kristen Roche
The Fairy King by Steven Snell
The Final Women by Micah Delhauer
The Fury Of Dawn by Joshua Drake
The Future Says Die! by Ian McWethy
The G.O.A.T. by Sid Grey
The German Quote by Ari Dassa
The Ghost Soldier by Ben Sztajnkrycer
The Harvest by Déjà Leazer
The Hills Only Have Eyes For You by David J. Stieve
The Hotel Room by Jeffrey van Davis
The House Of Eternal Return by James Longmire
The Incident by John Perry Dancoe
The Iron Bride by Milly Sanders
The Iron Horse Of Lucy Steele by Paul E. Zeidman
The Jackalope by Patrick Wilder
The Killing of King Mustang by Robert Dorian
The King Of Noble Hearts by Pau Dalmases Paredes & Ferran Mendoza Soler
The Last Bookstore by Brooke Purdy and Colette Freedman
The Last Eighth by Matthew Temple & Daniel Weingart
The Last Great Space Adventure by Jon Derk
The Last Indian War by Michael Graf
The Last Taxman by Jacob Kamhis
The Lean by Pearse Lehane
The Legend of Yakatutch by Sean Francis Ellis
The Lie Within by Aurélien Lainé
The Linen Bands by Jeffrey van Davis
The Long Way Home by Ashley Fester
The Longest Strip Of Beach by John Pinney
The Magic Of Being by Krista Fergusson
The Magnificent Kate Morgan by Thomas W. Hodgkinson
The Margin Of Pride by Heidi Weitzer
The Milk Route by Michael Begg
The Misfits by Moez Solis
The Mobile by Patrick Lewis
The Moonbeam Fisherman by John Dummer
The Moral Animal by Daniel Hogan
The Narrow Path To Heaven by Amy Monaghan
The Nightline Attic by Denis Memedoski
The Phoenix by Pierre Dawalibi
The Polish Medallion by Siovonne Smith
The Protea by Anne Todd
The Republic Of Bensonville by Kent Probst
The Restless by Andrew Gould
The Returners by Sara Chen
The Ride by Dean Loxton
The Righteous Man by Andrew Mescher
The Risk Factor by Homer Hsieh
The Speaker by Tin Gill
The Tailor From Taegu And Mrs. Abernethy by Ruby Akin
The Temptations Of Staying by Lisa Romagnoli
The Tennis Court Oath by Marcus L. Herzberg
The Third Secret by Robert Dorian
The Timbermen by Colin Dalvit & Andrew Lahmann (story by Andrew Lahmann & Colin Dalvit & Ben Eisner)
The Today King by Timothy Burnham
The Whipping Father by Andrew Mescher
The White House by Mike Stern
The Wind by Garth Meyer
Thembi by Tom Glasson
They Might Be Kennedys by Ted Collins
This Ends Tonight by Logan J. Thoreau
Through The Land Of Illusion by Gunnar E Garrett Jr.
Time Zero by Carlo Carere and Erin Muir
Title IX by Lucy Jane Bledsoe
Together Apart by Christopher Sullivan
Transcend Love by Sandra O’Connell
Triangle by Andrew Main
Trip by Lee Matsumoto
Tunnel Rat by Joel David Santner
Turkey Tale by Jamie A. Koogler
Uber Encounter by KT Parker
Unbalanced Hearts by Erika J. Sovey
Unsinkable by Paul Sellars
Unsolicited by Laudis Noel
Unspoken Lives by Jenny Hwang
Until The Candle Burns Out by Rich Van Tine
Up & Up by J. Glenn Cook
Verite by Luke Jackson
Verona Noir by Kieran Cashin
Vienna by David Ludwig and Mark Sonnenblick
Vilna by Matt Huston
Virgin Killers by Tannaz Hazemi
Viva La Vida by Lisa Hoppe
Voyage by Amit Gottlieb
Walking Point by Diann Beck
War-Torn by Michael J. Daniels
Wartime Revelations by Carlo Bordone
We Come In Peace by Michael B. Snow
Western Approaches by Andrew Judge
What Is Life by Rory Matthew Waltzer
When I Grow Up by Elizabeth R. Rossi
When Night Falls by Jamie Benyon
When Pigs Fly by Andrew Wood
Wild Arms by Nguyen Nguyen
Wild Falls by Jerry D. Mathes II
Wilders by Shannon Litt
Winnie by Mads Feldballe and Kim Blidorf (story by Mads Feldballe, Kim Blidorf and Allan Holmberg)
Winter Solstice by John Perry Dancoe
Wish by Laura Dembowski
With All Deliberate Speed by Marcus L. Herzberg
With These Eyes by Evan Ari Kelman
Yes, I’m Your Angel by Michael Leung
Yesterday Is Another World by Kimiko Wojtena
You Really Got A Hold On Me by M.R. Campbell
Young Man Dead by Surinder Singh
Zebra Victor One by Adam Bradley
Zoe by Stephen Driffin

116 Elm by Steven Arciniega
14 Words by Anna Klassen
2150 by Jose Portillo
Adjunked by Maria Stafford
Aeternum by Heidi Nyburg
Against the Odds by Tammy Kearly
Agency by Adrew Hartman and Jonathan Steinfield
Amarna by Daniel Gentile
America Rise, America Fall by Giovanni Taveras
American Jesus by Monis Rose
Anarchy by Zach Stratton
Annabelle Moore by Damion L. Smith
ARC by Bryan Schilling
Arms of Morpheus by John Christopher Thomas
Arranged by Zubaira Ahmed
Atlanta 9-1-1 by B. R. Stanley
Bad Call by Charles Phillips
Bad Debt by Rob Putnam
Bad Witch by Molly Miller
Baptizing London by Kirt Bozeman
Barcade by Devin Conte, Travis Conte, and Andrew Guay
Beacons of Hope by Eudie Pak
Before Mars by Shruti Saran
Before the End by Lyndsey Honour
Below The Fold by Eudie Pak
Birdsong by P. William Nixon
Bits and Pieces by Collin Blair
Bleaklow by J. T. Child
Bleeder by Aidan Largey
Broomstick Cowboys by Mike Revenaugh
Buscón by Jeffrey S. Storms
Canal Street by Allen Gutterman
Capitol by Randall Whitlow
Care Factor by Catherine McClintock
Chaplin: A Comedian Sees the World by Ian Masters
Chase by Adam Hussein
Classified by Elizabeth Stamp
Co-Working by Tom Slater
Compass: Northern Shore by S. A. Gustavson
Count Your Teeth by Gareth Berger
Creator Code by Michael Raymond
Crux by Andrew Sims
Dark Horse by David Jenkins Howell
DC-3 by Ken Harvey
Deadline by Andrew Domingues Frade
Disrupted by Arielle Diaz
Duke Tango by Reed Kowit
Echoes of Bonnieville by Simon Schneider
End of Days by Sonja Verpoort
Excaliburs by Jerome Gilden
Fade by Alexis Siegel
Fake Rehab by Daniel Wiengart
Faking the Funk by Sid Grey
Feels Like Fame by Stephanie Stivers
Feral by Bryan Kett
Fifth Down by Brian Allen
First Family by Cameron A. Mitchell
First Light by Terrence J. Bennett
Flypaper — Twisted Tales of Fate by Brian Sullivan
Focus by Heidi Nyburg
For a Crown by Leo Burton
Franklins by Christopher Scott McClure
Game Life by Odin Ozdil
Gilt by Andrew Crook
God, Complex by Sam Alford & Ben Cody
Good People by Jared Eimicke
Grandeur of Delusion by Bo Shim
Green & Grey by Tamika Guishard
Green House by Rob Putnam
Growing Up Gangster by Gregory Marshall
Haunted by Tim Goodwin & Pearce Hoskinson
Head of the Snake by Daphne Lamm
Hell in Heels by Sarah Marsh
Highgate by J. Elizabeth Martin
History/Herstory by Jeff York
Holy Unexpected by Samantha Levenshus
Home, Free by Alex Willemin and Alina Willemin
Houston’s Finest by Kimmy Tran
In 5 by Spencer Pesce
Invitation to the Game: From the Casebook of Dr Arthur Conan Doyle by Petra Winters
IVF’D by Kate Torgovnick May
iWarrior by Mathew Ewart
Killjoy by Terrence J. Bennett
Killona by Zack Harding
Kimchi Cowboy by Tony Cammarata
King of Queens by Dale Peter Winton
Landers End by Jeremy D. Christensen
Lawyer by Graham Thomas Kosakoski
Leading Edge by A. W. Scott
Lee Miller by Riley Madincea
Levee by Jeffrey S. Storms
Leviticus by Christian DeAngelis
Life in 140 Characters or Less by Kelly Anelons
Little Girls by Elton Loud
Little Isis by Belinda Downey & Jeremy Engdahl-Johnson
Looking for Gold by Keith Silcock
Loose Ends by Jason Briker and Anthony Mead
Love -N- The Skies by Toni Staton Harris
Luna Falling by Carl Pettit
M.O.R.A.L.E. by Andrew Wood
Max Stories by Sanjay Nagar
Missing Pieces by Julia Skikavich
Monogamish by Chris Pahlow
Monsters 101 by Brian and Dusty Rhoads
Munich by David Jefferson
Murder, Inc by Gregory Levy
N.T.S.B. Last Flight by Richard Roth
Neiman/Virgil by Raymond Santos
New Orlean by H.M. Shepherd
New York by Nathan Hallauer
Oceanside by Tate Hanyok
Of Music & Men by Kayona Ebony Brown
Offbeat by Brian Barnes & Mathew Merenda
Ok Computer by Neil Pagedar
Old Couple Anniversary by Sterling Tribue
Open Sexuality by Brandon Bentley
Otranto by Jon Smith & Ian Masters
Our Father by Evan Dickerson
Outreach by Tom Sykes
Overpowered by Wendy Pierce
Pacific North Witch by Christan Leonard
Para by Nicole Pouchet
Pariah by Raphael Loucadellis
Pawn’s Promotion by Gosha Shapiro
Peeling The Mellon by James Bloom
Peer Leadership by Marc Cruz
Peg by Brad Doyle
Pharmland by Jon Davis
Phenomenal by Gillian Madans
Phoenix by Natasha M. Hall
Phoenix by Sean Sellars
Pink Lava by Sharon Powers
Plight by Michael Barlow
Policy by Kevin James Barry
Poly by Jody Ellis
Powerplay by Margaret Lockyer
Predator by Marisa Hardwicke
Prideland by Dominic DiMaria
Primary Language by Yvonne Hana Yi
Privilege by Stephanie Blackburn
Profound Affinity by Mishki Vaccaro
Punchbags by Steven Snell
Puppet Show by Daphne Lamm
Quarry by Ash Corristine
Racket by Adam Sleper
Roksolana by Oksana Cobb
Ruth & Abby by Samantha K. Shearn & Kathy Yamamoto
Saffa by Roshana Ostowari
Salt Lake PD by Richard Roth
Scabs by Paul Moncrieffe & Shane Mahoney
Second-Gen by Kimmy Tran
Secret and Confidential by Ben Maraniss
Secrets by Tiffini M. Price
Seeking Sasquatch by Ryan Lis
Set Them Free by Mathew Duriez
Shadow of Doubt by Denise Kulawik
Shanghaied by Kevin Castle
Simple Machines by Mathew R. McDermott
Smut by Becky Bradshaw
Southern Territory by Donald Saunderson
Spies Girls by Nir Shelter and Tai Scrivener
Spilled Milk by Rafael Luna Vasquez
St. Claire by Jessica A. Sieff
Steps by Corolyn Carpenter
Stryker by Morgan Duff Tucker
Stud Muffins by Micholas Jacobson-Larson & Dalton Leeb
Suburban Inquisition by Gretchen Yelmini
Taffy by Hank Isaac
Talatrics by Cecilia Copeland
The Ax Man by Ryan Little
The Bard in Time by Christopher Lastrapes
The Bible Belt by Steven Pipps
The Cabal by Frank Perrotto
The Candy House by Andrea McGee
The Circle by C.C. Campbell
The Cloudmaker by Brian Sanders
The Community by Steve Coats-Dennis
The Defenders by Antoine Tardif
The Devil in Evelyn by Tyler Soper & Ben Soper
The Divinity Cycle by Nelson Downend
The Drywater Island by Michael Deigh
The Eleventh Hour by Rebecca Stahl
The Exchange by Juliette Garrigues
The Factory by Jon Davis
The Fun in Funeral by Aaron Steiner
The Gift by Kathleen M. Mitchell
The Haven by Riley Wong
The Hyline by Deja Bernhardt-Leazer
The Lady from the Sea by Jane Hampson
The Land by Steve Coulter
The Last Tsar by Marina Eve
The Lost Boy by Dominique Andree Hinman
The Marionette Unity by Azhur Saleem
The Monarch Guild by Jason Ancona
The Mulligans by Jim Garvey
The Nerve to Say by Justin Stoeckel
The Radicals by Nate Gualtieri
The Recovery by Angela Berliner
The Red Death by Joshua Bartolome
The Ryman by Hugh Moffatt
The Scoundrels Club by Jeff York
The Sensualist by Suzanne Griffin
The Slope by Eudie Pak
The Stay by Erica Warnock
The Young Executioners by Tom Sykes
Thee Bonx by Megan Patricia Doyle
Thin Women by Wendy Giman
Thorn Jack by Libby Mitchell
Thoroughly Mormon Millie by Paul Ditty
Time Will Tell by Daniel Marsden
Trafficking by Bagriella Yacyk
Transatlantic by Ella Eklund & Marlowe Fawcett
Un/Attached by Adi Blotman
Undocumented by Melissa White
Unleashed by Robert Axelrod
Unsettled by Candace Brown
Unsettled by Mike Bramante
Vaudevillain by Mary Rath
Verge by Bryce McLellan
Vicarious by Jason Kubik
Walk the Boards by Tyler Charles Zencka
Wander by Luke Baker
War Shadows by Dragos Berghia
Ways and Means by Christina Masciotti
What Happens in the Middle by Katie Ritz
Whereabouts Unknown by Allen Glover
Willowwood by Christopher Locke

Updated: 03/24/2017

ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship

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