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Scriptapalooza Features & Shorts Competition

Scriptapalooza Features/Shorts


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 386    
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Scriptapalooza was founded in 1998 with the goal of helping as many writers as possible through the competition. We have over 90 production companies, agents and managers reading all the entered scripts. (A complete list of participants is on Scriptapalooza's website.)

We actively push the Semifinalists, Finalists, Runners-Up and Winners for a full year with the intention of creating opportunities for the writers. We are a hands on competition because we feel it is important to continue supporting the top scripts beyond the cash and prizes. No other competition in the world does that.

We are proud to present the competition with Write Brothers, a company that not only provides the necessary tools for writing but is an advocate and true supporter of emerging writers. Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

Expired. Previous Deadline: 04/08/2024

Notification: August 15, 2024


This competition is open to any writer, 18 or older without produced feature film credits. Entering the competition constitutes permission to use the winners' names and likenesses for publicity and promotions with no additional compensation. We reserve the right to publicize and promote any and all progress, development and success of the entered scripts.

  1. Any script from any genre will be considered.
  2. Multiple entries are accepted, provided a signed entry form and appropriate entry fee is attached to each submission.
  3. Multiple authorship is acceptable. If the screenplay wins an award, that award will be divided among the writers, by the writers.
  4. Screenplays must be the original work of the author.
  5. Scriptapalooza recommends registering your scripts with the WGA or copyrighting your material with the Library of Congress.
  6. Entry must be accompanied by the following:
    a. completed official entry form (photocopies are acceptable)
    b. the appropriate entry fee
    c. completed original feature screenplay


Awards for FEATURES competition:

First Place Winner

  • $10,000 Cash
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership
  • 6 month online subscription from Backstage
  • 5 CoverFly tokens for peer feedback on your script
  • InkTip Script Listing & InkTip Magazine Listing

Second Place Winner

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership
  • 6 month online subscription from Backstage
  • 5 CoverFly tokens for peer feedback on your script
  • InkTip Script Listing & InkTip Magazine Listing

Third Place Winner

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership
  • 6 month online subscription from Backstage
  • 5 CoverFly tokens for peer feedback on your script
  • InkTip Script Listing & InkTip Magazine Listing

10 Runners-Up

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • Hollywood Screenwriting Directory from The Writers Store
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership

All 30 Finalists

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Receive Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Writer’s Dreamkit from Write Brothers
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership

Awards for SHORTS competition:
  • 1st Place Prize - $2000 Cash
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 2nd Place Prize
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 3rd Place Prize
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 5 Finalists
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 8 Semifinalists
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 15 Quarterfinalists
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network

Scriptapalooza Features/Shorts


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 386    
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Scriptapalooza Features & Shorts Competition


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 386    
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Contest News

Scriptapalooza Interviews 1st Place Winner Rawle Brown

1st Place Winner - Rawle Brown, "Limping Jokers"

Scriptapalooa: How did you come up with your story idea?

A: Actually, I was in a screenwriting class that required us to write an actual screenplay. The moderator advised us to write about something personal to us. No way, Jose. I didn't know these people. I wasn't telling them my secrets. So I picked a topic that was as far away from my personal life as possible.

Scriptapalooa: How long did it take you to write it?

A: I finished the first draft sometime in 1998. It took about three months to complete. Since then I've been rewriting it. So I would guess this is about the tenth draft of Limping Jokers. I've written other scripts, also. About five or six completed. I'm always rewriting them.

Scriptapalooa: Is this your first script that you have written? A: If I remember correctly, it was the second complete script that I've written. I've done my share of starting scripts only to run out of story. But I've always been interested in telling stories. I think it's in my genes. Growing up, my uncles would come over to visit. Two rum and cokes later they would start telling stories and entertain you for the rest of the evening. They were highly embellished concoctions of events. I found it fascinating. Even my friends today would tell you that I always have a story to tell. Chances are they would also tell you that I embellish the events even more for every rendition.

Scriptapalooa: Have you entered other screenwriting competitions?

A: I enter about four or five competitions annually. Usually the big name ones. Actually, I don't keep close track. When I received the emails from Mark regarding quarter and semi final winners, I assumed they were courtesy emails sent to those who didn't make the cut, so I deleted the emails without reading them. So it came as a shock when I got the congratulatory email for making the finals. Maybe it was for the best. I'm a worrier, so this way I had less time to worry.

Scriptapalooa: If so, have you been successful?

A: I've never gotten past the first cut of any kind of competition. This is the first success I've had as a screenwriter. Well, not really. Every time I complete a script, I consider it a major success. But this is the first time anyone who I haven't bought free drinks for liked my writing.

Scriptapalooa: Why did you enter Scriptapalooza?

A: The competition seemed credible. There are so many out there, you don't want to waste your time. I also asked around, and got positive feedback from people who were acquainted with it.

Mark is a real professional. And that's all you really ask for from the promoter's of these competitions. To be treated like a human being. I can see that Scriptapalooza will continue to be a major force for breaking in new writers because Mark will continue to attract them.

Scriptapalooa: Advice to other screenwriters?

A: Keep writing. As painful as it is to write. Many times over the years, I've decided to stop writing. However, I keep coming back to it. I guess it's a calling. A difficult one, because there are more pleasant things to do with your life than sit in front of a computer composing a scene. But if you've got the storytelling bug, it percolates in your head until you have no choice but to try to put it on paper.

I tend to like to put myself on the spot. I'm a CPA and a Wharton MBA, so when I tell people I'm a screenplay writer they don't take me seriously. Now I'm on the spot where I have to prove to them that I'm capable of this. These were the first people to get an email link to the Scriptapalooza webpage announcing my winning.

Scriptapalooa: How did you feel when you saw your name as one of the winners?

A: I was shocked. I thought my friends were playing a joke on me, taking control of my computer.

I will continue to seek every opportunity to learn the craft of writing. My ultimate goal is to become a master at it. I also want to become more disciplined, so I can be productive even when I'm not in a creative mood. There are so many ways to tell a story, and I want to have all the ammunition available to exploit these methods.

Updated: 09/09/2005

Scriptapalooza Features & Shorts Competition


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 386    
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