GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Contest of Contest Winners

Contest of Contest Winners


3661 N. Campbell Ave. Suite 222
Tucson, AZ 85719


Contact: Howard Allen, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 20    
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The Contest Of Contest Winners joined the 2016 Sunscreen Film Festival (Florida/Los Angeles) to bring increased visibility and networking opportunities to winners! And this year 2017 the festivals and the contest will be putting writers with filmmakers in new ways!!

There are hundreds of screenwriting competitions, but which screenplay from among the winners of all of these quality competitions is the best of the best?

The Contest of Contest Winners (CCW) answers that question and shines the spotlight on many accomplished, award-winning screenplays in what amounts to a definitive last review of the elite.

The CCW Winner and Finalists will be presented at the Sunscreen Film Festival in Los Angeles and will meet with attending literary agents, producers and filmmakers including 30-minute Skype sessions with producing and management pros later. Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

Contact contest for this year's deadline.

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  1. No entry may have earned money or other consideration for more than $5,000. Applicants may not have received a screenwriting fellowship or prize that includes a "first look" clause, an option or any other quid pro quo involving the writer's work.
  2. Qualifying victories for entrants need to be in the last 5 years.
  3. Applicants must submit:
    1. A completed and signed Entry Form and Release of Liability/Contest Contract.
    2. Proof of your success in a previous Contest, including contact information (name, email and/or phone, maybe a document) at that Contest. Check the ever-changing Qualifying Contests page. From the last 5 years, winners and even some quarterfinalists qualify.
    3. One copy of an original feature film screenplay, approximately 90-130 pages in length. Submissions must have been written originally in English; translations will not be accepted.

    If the script is based on a true story, historical or contemporary, that should be noted on the title page. Collaborative work, undertaken by no more than two writers, is eligible. Collaborative screenplays written by three or more writers are not eligible. Separate application forms should be submitted by both collaborators. One should be designated the prime contact for all mailings.

    The applicant's name should not appear on the cover, the title page or any other page of the script.

  4. An entry fee of US $75 to $85 must accompany the application, depending on when you enter.
  5. Only one copy, draft or version of any screenplay may be submitted by any entrant or entrants. Under no circumstances will substitutions of either corrected pages or new drafts of the entry screenplays be made after submission. Submissions must be the original work of the applicant(s) and may not be based, in whole or in part, on any other fictional or material, published or unpublished, produced or unproduced. Entries may, however, be adapted from the applicant's (or applicants') original work, which should be noted on the application form.


All Entrants receive:
  • 2 Industry Pro Evaluations on their script entry (Development Coverage and Reader score sheet coverage typically valued at more than $500.00). Two expert judges on every entrant and the testimonials from our entrants on these speak for themselves.
Ten Finalists receive:
  • Presentation in Trophies Ceremony at Sunscreen Film Festival West
  • VIP Passes to Sunscreen Film Festival West, which includes:
    • access to all Films, Parties, Workshops, and Celebrity Events
    • access to all workshops and panels by top Hollywood actors, producers screenwriters and filmmakers
    • discount lodging
  • Publicity for writer, script title, and log line to Agents, Prodcos, Managers, and Industry News
  • Continued promotion on and membership in Finalists group since 2005 for advice and networking
  • 30-minute Skype sessions with producing and management pros later
1st Place and 2nd-Place Winners receive:
  • VIP Passes to Sunscreen Film Festival West, which includes:
    • access to all Films, Parties, Workshops, and Celebrity Events
    • access to all workshops and panels by top Hollywood actors, producers screenwriters and filmmakers
    • discount lodging
  • Story Notes from (rated No. 1 in national survey) valued at $1500
  • A listing of your script on InkTip so that producers and reps can find you
  • Publication of your logline in InkTip’s magazine sent to nearly 15,000 producers and reps
  • All Finalist prizes listed above like the 30-minute Skype session with producing and management pros later.
  • Bragging rights!

Contest of Contest Winners


3661 N. Campbell Ave. Suite 222
Tucson, AZ 85719


Contact: Howard Allen, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 20    
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Contest of Winners


3661 N. Campbell Ave. Suite 222
Tucson, AZ 85719


Contact: Howard Allen, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 20    
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Contest News

MovieBytes Interview:
Screenwriter George Ferris

An interview with screenwriter George Ferris regarding the Contest of Contest Winners Writing Competition.

George Ferris
Q: What's the title of the script you entered in this contest, and what's it about?

A: At the time I entered the competition, it was titled "Beyond the Horizon." Since that time, I have retitled the screenplay "Skybound." It is a coming-of-age story set in the early days of aviation. In the 1920's a teenager works odd jobs at an airfield used by the early U. S. Air Mail Service with an eye toward becoming a pilot. He meets all kinds of obstacles until he receives help from an unexpected source. In the course of soloing for the first time, he learns life-changing things about himself and about the pilot who takes time out to teach him to fly.

Q: What made you enter this particular contest? Have you entered any other contests with this script? If so, how did you do?

A: I am competitive by nature, and I felt that this script was one of my strongest. I have entered many screenplay competitions and have won six others and been a runner-up or finalist in a couple dozen more.

Q: Were you satisfied with the administration of the contest? Did they meet their deadlines? Did you receive all the awards that were promised?

A: The Contest of Contest Winners is well managed. Frankly it's hard for me to complain about the management of a contest that I've won. First, it's bad manners, and second, in this situation I really have nothing to complain about. They've done everything they said they would do -- although I'm expecting any day now the final notes I was to receive from the contest director.

Q: How long did it take you to write the script? Did you write an outline beforehand? How many drafts did you write?

A: I wrote the first draft in about eight weeks. I did not use an outline -- it pretty much cascaded from the headwaters in my frontal lobes, through my keyboard-dancing fingers, onto the hard drive. The thing really wrote itself. Over the years I think I have written maybe two or three major revisions and about a couple dozen polishes.

Q: What kind of software did you use to write the script, if any? What other kinds of writing software do you use?

A: The last few drafts have been written on Final Draft 6.0.

Q: Do you write every day? How many hours per day?

A: I am not currently writing anything. When I did write, I managed about three hours a day. Around mid-day my creative juices would dry up, and I spent the rest of the day with meetings, lunches, or marketing tasks connected to my writing.

Q: Do you ever get writer's block? If so, how do you deal with that?

A: I do get writer's block -- mostly when I'm working on a spec script that I'm not really connecting with. I put the script aside when that happens, sometimes never to return. Consequently I have a couple dead-end projects lying around.

Q: What's your background? Have you written any other screenplays or television scripts?

A: I was a full-time professional screenwriter for fourteen years. I have an MFA in Film Production from USC's Division of Cinema/Television. I also have an MBA in finance from the Harvard Business School. I spent many years in the securities industry. Aside from that, I must have written thirty scripts or more, five of which have been produced.

Q: Do you live in Los Angeles? If not, do you have any plans to move there?

A: I lived in LA for fourteen years. There is a growing likelihood that I may return there if my current venture takes wing.

Q: What's next? Are you working on a new script?

A: I am working with Jon Karas, my manager and business partner, to raise money to put Beyond the Horizon/Skybound into production next summer. To that end, we have formed Sconset Films, LLC and are busy raising funds. Once we've wrapped and finished post, I may well return to writing.

Posted Monday, December 17, 2012

Contest of Winners


3661 N. Campbell Ave. Suite 222
Tucson, AZ 85719


Contact: Howard Allen, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 20    
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