
Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest

Final Draft/Big Break


2300 W. Empire Avenue
5th floor
Burbank, CA 91504
818-995-8995 (voice)

Click here

Contact: Kala Guess, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.0/5.0)
Feedback: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 47    
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Big Break is an annual, international feature and television screenwriting contest designed to launch the careers of aspiring writers. Big Break rewards screenwriters with over $100,000 in cash and prizes, including a trip to Los Angeles for a series of A-list executive meetings. Winners and finalists alike have had their screenplays optioned and produced and have secured high-profile representation as well as lucrative writing deals.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Expired. Previous Deadline: 06/28/2024


Visit website for contest rules and conditions: https://www.finaldraft.com/big-break-screenwriting-contest/rules/


2 Grand Prize Award Winners
  • One Feature Grand Prize and one TV Grand Prize winner will be chosen from the 11 Feature Genre and TV Format award winners
  • These two Grand Prize Award Winners are flown to Hollywood for meetings and networking with executives, producers, agents, and managers. See the full prize package here: https://www.finaldraft.com/big-break-screenwriting-contest/prizes

Final Draft/Big Break


2300 W. Empire Avenue
5th floor
Burbank, CA 91504
818-995-8995 (voice)

Click here

Contact: Kala Guess, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.0/5.0)
Feedback: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 47    
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Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest


2300 W. Empire Avenue
5th floor
Burbank, CA 91504
818-995-8995 (voice)

Click here

Contact: Kala Guess, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.0/5.0)
Feedback: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 47    
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Contest News

Big Break Competition Announces 2023 Quarterfinalists

Feature and TV Writing Competition quarterfinalists have been announced for the 2023 Big Break Screenwriting Competition, sponsored by Final Draft.



DTA by Alex Kochetkov
Overrride by Alistair Griggs & Christopher Davies
Mescalero by Anderson Boyd
The Handoff by Ariel Palin
MAL by B. Jack Azadi
The Last Three Kings by Barbara Nicolosi
Inferno Run by Barry Eitel
Escape From Eden by Bob Graham & Kate Quillan Graham
Goldslingers: Beasts of the Lost Mine by Brandon Prosek
Knockdown by Catherine Durning
The Adventures of Sir Smyth by Chad Smith
Dazzling by David Rudlin
Return to Xatala by Debi Yazbeck
Preying on the Hearts of Others by Derek Franzese
Choke Canyon by Duane Graves & Justin Meeks
The Two Musketeers by Dustin Richardson
Fool’s Gold by Ellis Sinclair
Killing Roma by Eric Howell
Citizen by Eric Kallevig
Blowback by Eric Murphy
Black Tears by Ethan Curtis
The Road to Xibalba by Ethan Weiner & Matthew Weiner
The Blue Room by George Gier
Caper by Graham Nelson
The Lamb by John Ingle
13 Marines by John Orland
INTI by Joseph Orr
The Executioner by Jud Cremata
Paradigm Shift by Kar Demirhan
The Henchman by Karl White
Captain Blood by Kate Imy
The Way Down by Katherine Morein
Some Say In Ice by Lewis Eastwood
Armada by Luke Albright
Victor, The Wild Child of Aveyron – The Musical! by Marc Moody
Surrender No Surrender by Mary DelSol Dobon
Superhero Killers in Love by Matt Wilven
Reversion by Matthew Wicks
Fat Sally by Michael Terry & John Fitzgerald
The Open Boat by Michael Bruner
Hunt by Michael Egan
Too Free To Live by Michael Graham
The Language Of Wolves by Nan Schmid
Defroster by Nathan Patton
Call Out by Neer Shelter
Takedown by Neer Shelter
Without a Hitch by Neil Pollner
Knox by Nicco Toni
White House Heroes by Nicholas Murray
Project Omega by Paul Vincent Rapisarda
Trophies by Peter Van Horne
Moon Flower by Phil Reilly
All You Know Is Fight by Ruben Low
Barbed Wire by Ruslan Haiduk
Is Anyone There Anymore? by Samantha Sewell
Heart of Stone by Scott Turner
Born Missing by Stefano Gallo
Come With Me If You Want To Live by Tara Hall
Shady Cove by Brian Horgan
Frank & Lolli by Violett Beane & Christina Burdette
Sacred Bones by Wayne Richards
Heartrace by Will Bermender


Bloody Mary by Aeon Solo
Straight Down The Aisle by Alessia Galatini
As You Wish by Ana Mancholas
Weekend at Bieber’s by Andre Radojcich
Blind Tsuyoshi Jenkins by Andrew Eiden
Hay’s Code by Andrew Smith
Blessed by Andrew Westgate & Bryce Leavitt
Silly by Anthony Bevilacqua & Stephen Bevilacqua
Holy Frock by Beata Konya
Death and Hollywood by Becky Scott
Go to Hell by Benjamin Font
Pickled by Beri Cheetham & Kendall Milton
Pick by Bernhard Riedhammer
Marley by Bob Yule
Sean Bean Won’t Die by C.J. Woodring & Geoff Allison
God, War and Turkeys by Candler Proffitt
Crusade for Caleb by Carol Masciola
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
#irl by Charles Murray
War Gamers by Christian Perry
Imp-Possible by Dale Sweeney
A Christmas Eve Promise by Dan Loschack
Love and Fame by Daniel Page
White Noise by Daniel Shulman
Big Girl Face by Daniel Zagayer & Hunter Cope
Vacationland by Danny Gendron
Superlame by Darren Moran
Draw Winky by Dave O’Hare
VI by David Bush
Making Mead by David Zaccaria
Casuals by Eli Flouton
Love & Other Potions by Elizabeth McKenzie
Motor City Monsters by Eric Kallevig
Football Lovers by Eric Morrel
Stockwell: Just Jump by Garth Holden
The V-Word by Glenn Isaacs
The Thrower by Graham Rich & Frankie Bourne
Dicks by Greg Stancl
The Purple Protector by Gregory Elek
Carol Roberts is Not Dead! by H.J. Pierce
DNA by Heather Farlinger
The Long Runway by Henry Harper
Mr & Mr by Isabelle Rose Farrell & Annie Farrell
Alive Tonight, In the Middle of Nowhere. by J.M. Petrick
Midnight in the Village by Jacob OMara
F*CK IT by Jake Hulse
Party USA by Jared Sprouse
Syrup by Jason Lawson
The Piggyback Wedding by Jeremy Steiner
Iggies by Jerold Wallace
Clutch by JiJi Lee
Peekaboom by Joe Bronzi
The Thing About Love by Joe Eatherton & Nicole Wachter
Dance Freaks by Joe Wein
#matched by Joey Perotti
Hot Naked Mess by Jonathan Dillon & Sascha Alexander
Tryouts by Jonny Rae-Evans
Cavendish by Joseph Brutsman
The Play by Josh Mann
Little Trouble by Joshua Timpko
Don’t Eat Paper by Julius Galacki
The Last Blockbuster by Justin Miller & Jeremiah Castleman
B.MOC by Karen Durinzi
Astronaut Angel by Kevin Sterling
Brew by Kimberly Dilts
Single To Mars by Kyle Farley
For Love & Suffering by Kyle Sklenar
Dead Inside by Laura Stover
The Binkster by Lawrence Goldman
Monster Country by Lena Cigleris
Old Haunts by Libby Doyne
Two And 1/2 Weeks by Lou Wollin
Rastaman by Marc Goldsmith & Rich Demaio
All In! by Michael Greene
Journey Boys by Michael Mortimer
The Last Santa by Michael Rhodes
Cold Dish by Nate Starkey & Kevin Napier
“The Empresario” by Oliver Draiv
All I Ever Wanted by Pamela Holmgren
The First Gay Caveman by Patrick Bradley-Moore
Standby by Patrick Tierney
The Pirates of Chemo by Paul Schutte
The George Washingtons by Paul Schutte
Accidental Aviator by Randy Cruts
Turkey Day by Rich Gallagher & Anthony Guilianti
Mr. Moral Compass by Robert Bridge
Ramona by Robert Tota
By the Dark of the Black Blood Moon by Sal Prano
Too Many Fish in the Sea by Sally Seitz
The Sound of Violence by Sam Cherington
Purgatory H.S. by Sandy Fugate
You Probably Think This is About You by Sarah Lai
The Committee by Stephen Ficalora & Glenn Milley
Test Case by Stephen Miller
Late Night With Dad by Steve Mackall
Natty Light by Thomas Schrack
Truman Trout by Thomas Thonson
Nicked by Timothy Gaensler-Debs
Trouble In Blonde by Tony Brown
The Ghostfather by Tony Kolega
Midwestern Winds by Tyson Stakes
Accidentally on Purpose by Vance Sanders & Steve Mazur
Where or When by Vivian Rhodes
Puttin’ on the Dog by Zoe Brian


El Cuento de Mi Papa (The Story of My Father) by Alejandro Lalinde
The Last World by Alyssa Amer
Paradise Valley by Angie Antoine
Beauty King by Annie Grace
Undue Influence by Antoinette Nalle
The Rival Poet by Arlynda Boyer
The Hunted by Arthur Ladouceur
Seclusion by Avie Luthra
The Adventures of Ultima & Black Supreme by Benny Jean-Baptiste
Hearts on Fire, Paris 1968 by Bill Pearl & Deborah Pearl
America’s Underground Best Seller by Bobby Abate
State Roads and City Skylines by Bradley Clements
To the Moon and Back by Brea Cola Angelo
The Curse at the Walls by Brent Duncan
Dyke Drama by Carla Meaney
Golden Bullets by Carolina Ortega
Akari Ido by Cassandra Francis
Sanctity by Cassidy MJ Lee
Her Name is Carolyn by Cassiopeia Sachs
Desperado by Cheryl McCausland
Stranger in the Dream by Christine Choo
Civili$ed by Chrysalis Goring
Eternal Blossom by Chu Yun Huang
The Wreck of the Frolic by Colleen Smith
Remediation by Conner Allen
Sunlight by Desiree Nordlund
Kites Over Mekong by Dai Duong Nguyen
Western Gothic by Daniel Allen-Valenzuela & Gregg Stewart-Sarfaty
Finding Ji-hyun by Danielle Schmidt
A Yuletide Last Hoorah by David E. Bonk
Infernal by David Jaffe
In A State Of Nature by Delondria Carnegie
Thought I Knew You by Denise Deegan
A Tent on Jupiter by Derek Nicoletto
The Art of Deception by Diamond Batiste & Leonard Langford
Turqoise Mountain by Diane Joy Schmidt
Abstract Faces by Dimitrios Aletras
Black Jockey: Tales of a Legend by D’Jae Johnson
Power Couple by D’Jae Johnson
My Catastrophe by Don Baker
Sweet Justice by Earl Billings
The Spark of a Prairie Fire by Elaine Wong
Eight Thirty Four by Eli Brumfield
Shadow Souls by Enrique Buelna
El Cohete by Eric Jacobo
The Side Hustle by Eva Knoet
Icebreakers by Evan Harris
I Second That Emotion by Gail Parent
How to Build a Home by Genevieve Cramsie
The Bobbsey Twins Go to Hell by Gil Luna
Hag by Hanneke Schutte
Underserved by Henrique Goncalves
Trickster- Night Of The Kitsune by Hiroshi Mori
The Roots Of It by Ian Coughlan
Family We Choose by Iris Ocean
Salaam George Michael by Irshad Ashraf
Ambergris by Jacobo Fe Gismera
Nights of Delilah by Jacqueline Postajian
Let Me Go by Jacqueline Olive
A Werewolf in Harlem by James Glover & Robert Lieberman
Vice Versa by Jason Lajoie
Show Up! by Jeanne Taylor
Crazy, Sexy, Murder by Jesse Klein
Suture by Jessica Mollo
Fire in the Belly by Joshua Sanchez
Black…Like Y’all by Keith Moody
Merde’ by Kimberly Samon
Mixtape: Fantasy by Lawnyae Marie
The Gordon by Lia Ottaviano & Courtney Andujar
Scent of Marigold by Lily Malm
Momo by Lisabelle Tay
Belonging by Liz Fields
The Building by Liza Dougherty & Stephanie Murdock
Devil’s Peak Tower by Lizzie Roberts
Color & Light by Louis Reyes McWilliams
The Caregiver by Luisa Banchoff
Jane Air by Maria Carolan
Cobras y Matadors by Matthew Garcia-Dunn
Switch by Matthew Robinson
Love Bomb by Meghan Gardiner
Uncle Harry by Michael Dodd
Harmony by Michael Gordon
The Angel by Michael Leung
The Golden City by Michael Yuen
Cognition by Mohit Dhameeja
Because Our Bodies Run by Morgan Halla & Sunhee Na
Hjumen by Mpho Phuza
Nolan & The Exes by N. Fituri Scown
Space River Runaways by Nick Pollack
Upside Downers by Nicole Donadio
Run Amok by Nitzan Mager
The Crisis by Omid Niliaram
Beneath The Starry Night by Omid Zader
Undersurface by Patrice Williams Marks
R3M3MB3R by Po Lin
What We Left Behind by Rachael Cudlitz
Typhoid Mary by Rachel Ward
Eye on Crazy by Raynard Goodman
Skylark by Rebecca Loftin
My Mother Collects Hooks by Rekha Garton
Border Lawyer by Richard Heredia-Arriaga
Panspermia by Ruth Wood
No Home In This World by Samah Tokmachi & Daniel Spurgeon
Tea with the Ambanis by Sandhya Hermon
Nature’s Way by Sandi Jerome
Last Woman by Sandi Jerome
The Art of Small Death by Sevyn Taylor
My Name is Blue by Simone Brazzini
Money Woman by Sinmisola Ogunyinka
Good Cuban Girls by Sophia Costanzo
Summer Camp by Sophie Reverdi
Point Seven by Stephanie Strickland
Release by Susan Bibeault
Gare du Nord by Takeo Hori
Over The Next Hill by Tarique Qayumi
Gaba by Taylor Ghrist
Out to Sea by Timothy Despina Marshall
Esper by Tori Layne
Kingmaker by Victor Ridaura
Vigil Annie by Wade Felt
The Janitor by Woting Cai
On Time by Xavier B.
Giant Snake by Zach Siegel


Ritchie Boy by Alan J. Field
Our Sandcastle by Alex Castillon
Amani by Alexandre Mullen
Peete by Andre Williams
King of Cuba by Andres Rovira
The Cockfighter by Andrew Case
Ma Belle by Angelique Letizia
Short Time by Anthony Zonfrelli
Diwali by Arturo Alanis Garza
Prisoners by Choice by Attila Peli
The Deceivers by Audra Gorman
The Living You Make by Austin Hobbs
Milwaukee by Barry Ambrose & Christopher Stapleton
Some Things by Ben Cooke
Trails by Bob Abell
Tilt by Bob Reitano
A Game Of Chance by Brian Best
Shelby by Brian Ruberry
The Monumental Conception of Humanity by Brianna Brinkley
Women Are They Worth It by Chad Smith
Chasing Molly by Charles LaTourette
You Were Meant For Me by Charles Miceli
Blue Heaven by Charles Schwarzbeck & Alan Danilo
Element Man by Chris Doverspike
Me, Jim and Greg by CJ Brodie
Cimmerian Grapevines by Clara Park
The Opera We$t by Cody Rea
Bobby Goodall by Colin Carroll
Those Who Hide by Colin Matthews
Just Like You by Corey Boling
Rescues by Dan Loschack
In Action by Dan Roberts
Path by Daniel Brice
Out of Whack by Dante Marino
In Frames by Darla Drendel
Meeting the Monster by Daryl Busby
Everything In The World by David Erickson
Impending Execution by David Kessler
Sleeping on the Razor’s Edge by David Nelson
Scars of Desire by David Nelson
Infinite Highway by David Scott
Solo by David Zeltser & Joseph Greco
These Lives Unspoken by Derek Franzese
Free Bird by Don Broida
Cow Duck Blind by Don Sniffin
Riptide by Douglas Corcoran
Compass Hill by Douglas Spaltro
Mystic Valley by Drew Esposito
Hot Times by Drew Mazzarella
Dos Pistoleros by Eli Buck & Jackson Warner
Rosie by Emily Prescott
The Clove by Ethan Christy
Long Live The King by Evan Cunningham
Doo Wop by Fred Johnson & Bootsie
An Awful Lot by Garth Twa
Bad Luck Good by Georgina Pope & Jack Nicklin
Subdivisions by Gerald Decker
In Vivo by Glenn Levin
Solitary Objects by Gregory Heller
A Beautiful Improbability by Guilherme Viegas
Tomato Can by Guy Roland
Pro Bono by Ivory Avery
Relentlessly Anjelica by J R O’Hara
Slugger by J. Miller
Anywhere Good Christmas by J. Wayne Davidson
Lotusville by J.M. Petrick
Toll Booth by Jacob Bittens
Anxious and Exposed by Jacob Melamed
Fermata by Jade Edwards
The Baker’s Abyss by James Dillon
An Unchosen Life by James Gottesman
The Long Way Home by James Kalergis
Candyland by James Lockyer
The Wrong Hand by Jane Jago
Sixty Days Is Forever by Jeff Fletcher
Flight to Freedom by Jeff Nowak
Feedback by Jeffrey Dinghua Lei
The Chetnik by Jeffrey Stone
Her Name is Goldie by Jennifer Tesler
Pawns & Pugilists by Jens Pilegaard
The Reckoning of Benson McQueen by Jeremy Danger
Leche by Jesahel Newton-Bernal
Wild Hearts by Jessica Rowlands
The Pickleball Killer by Jim Carroll
One-Eyed King by Joe Bonito
A Hobo in the White House by John Bateson
The Larson Episode by John Norton
The High Tide by John Saveland
My Name is Kira by Johnathan Brownlee
David by Jordan Strandness
Familiar Realm by Jose Montalvo
Oneonta by Joseph Delissio
Aaron From Miami of Nowhere by Josh Kasselman
Oregon by Joshua Strauch
The Mind of David Hopper by Julian Sundstrom
Dog Run by Julie Cross
Sheba by Karin Delapena Collison
System of Survival by Karl Shefelman & Ivan Kotevski
Angry Underwear by Kelly Lefever & Tania Ferrier
Rabbits, War, and Wardens by Kimberly Butler
Ruby and the Side by Side by Korby Lenker
Take My Life by Larry Collins
Catching Fireflies by Lee Whittaker
Never Been Lonely by Leonard Carow
Valley of the Shadow by Logan Shaw
The Dogs and the Wolves by Louis Macovsky
The Bull and the Jackal by Lucas Marshall
The Dynamic Range of Juvenescence by Luke Eckel
Homestead by Lynwood Shiva Sawyer
Before I’m Dead by Marissa Gaylin
Life in Wartime by Mark Lee
Burnt Sugar by Mark Penberthy
Muriel’s Monster by Martin Slevin
The Smartest In The Room by Matteo Petrelli
Community Garden by Matthew Boggess
Postal by Matthew Kotelnicki
Classmates by Matthew Schlissel
Dust to Dust by Michael Koenig
The Barber by Michael Kristoff
Uncle Danger by Michael Wriede
Ski Week by Mike Gallagher
Digging Graves by Miles Colella
Seoul ’88 by Nancy Bercaw & Jennifer Kircher
Lakota Spring by Nancy Fitzgerald
Izzie & Seymour by Naz Riahi
Moonshot by Nicholas Clifford & Jules Duncan
Rodeo Man by Nick Fenjves
Bury Your Bodies Deep by Nick Kloppenberg
Well Enough Alone by Nick Matthews
Night Shift by Noelle Rodriguez
A Supporting Role by Oliver White
The Washroom by Omar Al Dakheel & Elie El Choufany
Private Ives by P.J. Yerman
A Winter Spring by Paul Anderson
Sheriff Woke by Pete Sage
The Climber by Peter Pribyl Pierdinock
Salthill by Philip Doherty
The Odyssey of Rahul V. Patel by Raj Moorjani & Hope C. Tarr
Bad to Worse by Ralph Waine Hoy
Madam Lady by Ramon Cordova
Hurting Each Other by Rebecca Bohanan
The Remnants by Rich Vecchione
Kill Me First by Richard Rudy
The Indifference League by Richard Scarsbrook
Ten Dollar House by Rick Kinnebrew
Targets by Rick Lucas
For Phillip by Rob Seyk
Passing Through by Robert G. Rhyne
A Story of the London Fog by Robert Simpson
Playing War by Ron Dilger
Prairie Lily by Ryan Bruce
Escape from Easton by Sam Callaghan
Ends Meet by Samuel Bombara
Sally the Tutor by Sasha Higgins & Ethan Maniquis
The Stray by Scott Gatlin
The Importance of Proper Lawn Maintenance by Scott Huebscher
The Marlowe Boys by Sean Leyland
We All Fall Down by Sean Patrick Leonard & Lance Eliot Adams
Henry’s Next Big Adventure by Shannon Perry
My Culinary Love Story by Sheri Smith
Without Rain by Stephen Glawson
Major Hacker’s War by Steve Blame
Uncivilized Things by Suzanne Kent
@SP33DLIMIT40! by Sydney Blackburn & Michael Waller
Gadrian by Taylor Gunn
The Very Bottom by Tim Cox
Currents by Tim Molloy
Flambeaux by Tim Sigur
Colliod by Todd Duffey
Sweet 16 – The Long Road to Love! by Tom Burke
Suffer the Act by Tony Bustamante
Battletrap by Troy Sweeney
The Cult of Sheila by Tyler Geditz
Journey Into Night by Usher Morgan & Chris Neilan
Spoken English by Vaughn Verdi
Return to Guernica by Victoro Korjhan
Blue Comedy by Vincent Accettola
Her Seventh Death by Virginia Austin
Children’s Party War by Warren Lane
Durty by Zachary Swickey


Boomerang The Great by Ana R. Dominick
Avery by Casey Warfield
Detective Claus by David Zeltser
Danny and Deeda by Dawn Marie Hoffmann
Starlight by Hunter Cline
Amarilla by Iain Anderson
Croak by Issac Nunez
Disconnect by Joey Day Hargrove
Swish by Kelly Keough
Just For A Day by Maryann Castronovo
Noriko and the Dream-Eater by Mickey Cooper
Paperweights by Noah Meister
Meet the Roaches by Ryan Evans
Hallows Eve High by Ryan Johnston
Oswald the Almost Famous Opossum by Sara Pascoe
Space Kids by Scott Gabriel & Joshua Losben
Beyond The Sea Wall by Shane Weiss
My Brother Fruitcake by Shiva Sawyer & Jen Senko
Flutter by Terry Mitchell
The Spirit of the Woods by Vanessa Prathab
The Snody by Yuliia Vozniuk


The Method by Aaron Michael Bailey & Troy Fresch
Revival by Abby Selden
The Watchmaker by Adam Getz
Unrecognizable by Adam Kreps
Aunt Carrot’s Christmas Eve Massacre by Adam Lamb
Dust on Dirt by Adele Smaill
The Amends by Amanda Cole
My Husband: The Moon by Amy Mckenzie
Hollow by Andi Lipo & Arun Croll
Safe Hands by Annabel Wigoder
The Executive Game by AR Ugas
A B Testing by Arnaud De Marigny
Skin in the Game by Ben Hayslett
Bob by Ben Moroski
Point Nemo by Brad Starr
The Shimmers by Brendan Vogel & Ruth Sabin
Lucid by Brian Schwab
Red Buoys by Cameron Kerr
Mother Help by Catriona Toop & Georgie Oulton
Hunted House by Chris Schwarz
Nightmare Creatures by Chris Schwarz
The Dark by Christien Reid
Goodies by Christopher Backs
Corpo by Christopher Voltz
Shared Madness by Colin Frizzell
What’s Behind Us by Conor McAdam & Jordan Frechtman
The Bayou by Damian Parente
Gaslit by Dana Barney
Familiar by David Ellison
The First Girl by David Hadle
Chateau Sauvignon by David M. Night Maire & Adam T. Wolfe
Like an Animal by David Page
Talking Pictures by David Thome & Mary Jo Weber
Do You Fear What I Fear? by Ervin Anderson
Push by Faisal Qureshi
The Turf by Garth Ginsburg
Monsters of Men by George Lin
The Night Shift by Greg Borzilleri
The Estate by Henry Putnam
Caspian Gull by Iain Anderson
The Seder by Isaac Smith
Rise by James Barrett & Tony Robenalt
Mistress of Rose Hall by Janet Arlotta
Effigy by Jason Kaleko
Steppe by Jason Lowry
The Bridge Troll by Jason William Lee
Dracula: World at War by Jeff Dorer
Resurrecting Delilah by Jefferson Moody
The Black Dog by Joe Favalaro
07 Honda Civic by John Schlirf
The Big Brass Ring by Jon Schwartz
The Happy Hearth by Jonathan Lee
Trash Monsters by Juan Gil
The Deadhead by Justin Ballheim
The Ringmaster by Kyle Rizor
Killing Cinderella by Leigh Himel
The War Jeep – “What do deserts drink when they’re thirsty?” by Marko Josic
Botica by Matt Healy
Dreamt by Matthew Sinnreich
The Chötgör by Max Rissman
The Tower Square Murders by Michael Martin
Swine Lake by Michael Rakoff
Outcasts by Michael Sloyka
Portland, 1988 by Michael Weinreb
The Fallen Angel by Miles Colella
The Cursing Tree by Nan Schmid
Headless by Nate Noggle
Exorcist Stage Left by Neer Shelter & Tai Scrivener
The White Guy Dies First by Nicholas Pangilinan
Baby Boy by Patrick Ford
Night On The River by Patrick Hatten
Black Friday by Paul Leonard & Glen Oliver
Bugged by Peter Sreckovic
Freak by Philip Henry
The Coming of Age by Phillip Middleton
The House That Heaven Built by Rachel Gulotta
Glitch by Rebecca Berrih
Glass Goddess by Richard Teng
Shadow Math by Robert Ian Simpson
Vestiges by Robert Ian Simpson
The Funny Farm by Robert Ward
Ballerina by Scott MacDonald
The Totality by Steven Angelo
Switchblade Holiday by Steven Aripez
Under Pressure by Steven Smith
Animals by Suleyman Anadol
I Love You Sara by Tanita Ross-Cady
Kindling by Tavish Gudgeon
Charred by Thomas Joseph
The Clover Mites by Tom Richard O’Shea
Bokhoven Manor by Ty Hosler
Dark Destinies by Warren Lane
After The Exorcism by Zach Siegel


A Somerset Spring by Allan Hill
Échappé by Allison Mattox
Queen for a Day by Andrew Parker
Freidel by Ann LeSchander
How Rock and Roll Saved Tosca by Barry Leach
Different From The Others by Ben Samuels
The Exchange by Carolyn Purnell
The Midnight Riders by Charlotte Keneipp
Pacific Ocean Blue by Chris Phillips
Rani by David Harry Rowlands
She Won’t Make it Far on Foot by Ed Robinson
Willa by Elizabeth Myer
Where There’s A Will by Erin Lander-Hickman
Hell to Pay by Evan Kornfeld
Cruise of the Amberjack by Evelyn Foster
Christina Maria Alexandra by Heather Seltzer
Frederick Douglass Official by J.D. Hughes & Latifa Hughes
Summer Cut by Jeffrey Howe
Forever Safrina by Jerry Stolfi
After Mozart by Jimmy Miller
The Death of General Wolfe ( The Life of Benjamin West ) by John Kurlowicz
Louisa by John Matteson
Rising Son by Junot Lee
Day of Daggers by Kelsey Kamentz
Ferocity by Kevin Bachar
The Lion by Kyle Hall
Red Blood White Tie by Leon Flagg
Michelangelo by Lorelei Armstrong
Wrightsborough by Mahonri Stewart
The Lady from the Castle by Marie Reff
Flight of the Muses by Marie Robinson
The KIng’s Legionnaire by Matthew Skeate
Egypt ’42 by Nathan Hancock
Caroline, or, Etiquette for Crooks, Thieves and Social Climbers by Niamh Dunne
The Carlisle Indian by Peter Scott Vicaire
Firebird by Randall Wolff
Little Red by Richard Moon
Christmas 1914 by Robert Milius
Sinclair by Roddy Williams
Volantino by Russ Eisenman
ŠINDI by Steve Fisher
Berserk by Thomas Hilland
Dukes by Tim Tuchrello
Ruth by Valentina Weil


Dark Time by Adam Wagner
She Is Death by Alexis Howell-Jones
Who We Are by Bart Verraest
The Golden Record by Benjamin Milsom
Second Generation by Brad Starr
Jumpstart by Brady Pierce
Ghost Soldier by Brett Elam
Life on the Land by Catherine Bonny
Sunbeams by Christopher Thomas
Shattered Glass by Colin Truong
Amulata by Cyrus Shahmir
Thirty Breaths by D C Mallery
Flickerbeat by Dana Hawthorne
The Keeper by Daniel Jamal Judson
Hallowed Halls by Daniel Peck & Michael Urbanski
Greetings from the Vortex by David Maddox
Big Magic by David Zeltser & Benjamin Arthur
Catastrophe by Ela Sophia
From the Beginning by Erin Kathleen
The Characters Are Real by Ford Harris
Superposition by Gareth Root
Still in Time by Greg Harvey
Kaleideskope by Gregory Bisson
Adam by Hayden Howe
Echo by J. Scott Worthington
Freedom One by Jack Cusick
Re:Collection by Jake Fogel
The Black Rose by James Mitchell
William Seven by Jason Cart
The Exchange by Jeff Meyers
UNnatural Talent by Jeff Perreca
Revelations by Johnny Gilligan
Persona by Jonathan Turner
Violet’s Code by Julian Paulsen
Material Men by Kim Black
Sorcha by Leslie Longworth
Uprising by Lisa Weiss
Escape by Mark LeClair
Ruby and the Sky by Matt Umbarger
Charybdis by Matthew Wilkins
P.O.E.S by Michael Brennan
Day One by Michael Johnson
Pops by Murdoch MacNeil
The Garden by Nathan Patton
Sundown by Nick Hurwitch
Fathom by Nicole Eilers
The Unquiet Dead by Nyah Gazda
Bravo & Hox by Patrick OMeara
The King’s Reeve by Patrick Carr
Temporal by Paul White
Happy Robots by Phil Reilly
Time Willing by Renee Brown
Freya by Rhona Rees
Crystallised by Rhys Sherring
The Last Prison by Richard Geiwitz
The Bringer by Scott Baker & Dylan Turczan
Electric Feel by Sean Bell
them monsters. by Simon Cheyne
Minimum Comfortable Distance by Steven Snell
The Big Beyond by Tom Batha
Beneath by Tristan Pinkerton
North Star by Zach Grossman



Finally Good by Aditi Raina
Cycle by Alan Sim
The Glam Reaper by Alexandra Cottle
Just Win Baby by Alexis Stanley
Queenpins by Alix Reeves
Sissies by Alon Borten
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! by Andrew Rubin & Aimiende Negbenebor Sela
Maudie Rousseau and the Circus of Secrets by Angie Antoine
Perennial by Anna Everett
Legend by Autumn Cavender
Once a Fighter… by Ben Kim
Bad as Me by Benjamin Bee
Will of the People by Bernard Fulton
In The End by Billie Fishleigh
Wasted on Youth by Brian LaPerche
The Phoenecians by Carissa Ridgeway & Dwight Tudor
No Parole by Carlo D’Amore
Zo & Lila: “White Rabbit” by Carly Logan
Darkest Kelly by Catarina Cesar
Kill the Lax Bro by Charlotte Balogh
Normal by Christie Esparza Collins
Helping Hands by CJ Southcott
Preacher’s Kid by Cole Randall
Wong Way Out by Cynthia “Cy” Ching Ching
Offspring by Cynthia De Souza
Positive Lee by Dale Winton
Pixie’s World by Daniel Kelley Vargas
Maid to Steal by Derek Quick (Negane Meno)
Pistol City by Deshon Smith
Far From The Tree by Dominic Sinocruz
The Great Divide by Duke Yang
The Muster Call by Duygu Aybar
Higher Ground (From Pieces To Peace) by Elaine Patterson Davis
Tule Lake by Elisabeth Tsubota
Brianne by Elli Legerski
Ladies Night by Emmanuel Saint-Ange
Blood Sugar by Eric Packer
Weird and High Voltage by Erin Enberg
Kaya by Etta Gray
SIMORGH by Farzin Farzam
Don’t Call Me Mrs. Hemingway by Florence Buchanan
Protocol One by Geoffrey Colo
PRIDE© by Greg Goodness
Manic Pixie Fairy by Hannah Menakaya
Island Kingdom by Hiroshi Mori
The Lord’s Work by Isabella A. Rodriguez
Martial Classes by Jackie Lee
The Bell Ringer by Jackson Rickun
Foul by James Hansen
Royal Slump by Jamie Silberhartz
The Source by Jeff Schick
The Terrorist by Jeremy Hudson
The Spirit of ’76 by Jerry Jerome
TV Land by Jessica Kinsella
Skin Deep by Jilena Cori
Anotha Fifteen Minutes by Jon Vaude
Slutmunch by Jordan Thomas
Plastic Jim by Jordan Yancey
Tessa, A Grim Reaper Story by Jul Kohler & Ellie Araiza
Shelter by Kat Dolan
Chernobyl’s Got Talent by Kat Spada
Kill School by Katrina Skender
Aboard by Kelly Baldwin
SGV by Kenny Zhou
The Space Suits by Landon Ashworth
Korean Vampire Kid by Lesley Kim
Flipped by Lexie Kahanovitz
[Subjects Unknown] by Lily af Geijerstam-Lindberg
Lickerish by Louisa Hatfield
Grow Up by Mandy Celine & Brian Firenzi
Collisions in the Gray by Marcos Santana
Life During Wartime: Pilot Episode – Nowhere Fast by Mark Bowes
In the Wings by Marty Johnson
My Dear Watson by Matt Rosentreter
Knife Work by Megan Carroll
Dischordant by Melanie Munt
Tapped Out by Melody Herr
Meg Undercover by Molly Mayock
Good Indian Girls by Mrittika Sarin
The True Stories of Atlantis and Beyond by Mya Taylor
Unchained Male by Myles Lazarou
A War of Souls by Naomi Robinson
The Savior by Nicholas Calhoun
Dawn the Compost Worm by Nouzha Evans
The Book of Raquel by Olga Holtz
L.A.bryinth On Fire by Oscar Freeman
Cyberpink by P.A. Lopez
Third Stage by Paola Ferrari
Stream of Consciousness by Patia Prouty
Butch by Rae Binstock
Tandem by Rebecca Greensill
Room-Mates? by Richard Davis
Vote Goode by Ryan Cruise & Jordan Stein
Out Of Bounds by Ryan Mack
Altdrachen by Senna Hubbs
12 Step – Pilot – “Into the Vortex” by Shawne Charisse
Scorched Earth by Skye Lynch
Slay by Steve Holbert
Mother Tucker by Steve Holbert
Meek by Talisa Chang
The Nut Farm by Warren Clarke
Fish Head by Yasmine Gomez

Half-Hour Pilots

Rental by Adam Beal
Critical by Aidan Kilpatrick
Ball Change by Alex Field
Camp Hoffman by Allen Schultz
Belly by Anna Zabel
When All Of This Is Over by Annisa Belonogoff
Modern Orthodox by Ari Silver
Tony: The Scared Slayer by Ben Daves
Inversion by Bruce Fennell & Luke Davis
Assassin’s Apartment – Ep 1: Champaign & Quinoa by Caldwell Butler
Rats! by Candelaria Duran & Robert Daniels
Most Wanted by Cat Youell & Brad Crowe
Saving Little Z by Chris Ballinger
The Return of Sebastian King by Christiaan Van Vuuren & Connor Van Vuuren
Weird City Blues by Corey Lee
Canceled by Daniel Asper
Red Flags by Daniel Cappadora
Mr. Shaky-Choky by Danny Galvin & Brad Pike
alternative HUMANS by Darren Canakaris
The Hemingway by Dava Savel
Doomtown by David Brown
A Walk in the Field by Dillon Dowell
Dolphin Task Force by Enzo Scura
Glory Glory by Ethan Judelson
My Third Cult by Eva Holman
Yeshiva by Eytan Raphaely
Mystic Island by Faith Bishop
GIN-VERSE: A Ginless Bar by Francesco Capussela
Where the Light Enters You by H.A.Young
Life Crisis by Hannah Brecher
Barren by Hannah Herman
Sisters and Misters by Hannah Myers
Dingbat: Dingbat and the Puce Avenger by Hiroshi Mori
Ghosted – “The Button” by J.K. Barret
Millennial by Jackie Baskin
Deus Ex Humanitas: Or, The Meta-modern Prometheus by James Caven
Back 9 by Jarret Hauch
Off The Derech by Jesse Turk
We All Scream by Jessica Mele
Gold Rinks by Jillian Bevilacqua
Revolving Doors by Jim Falletta
Odds and Sods by Joanna Tilley & Krysia Pepper
The Jewish Office by Joe Abel
Babylon Beyond! by John Joyce Baker
Knockers by Karina Cochran & Hannah Checkley
Fobu: Fear of Being Us by Kathleen Perkins
Sunshine State by Kaycee Conlee
Lindy Thompson Wants to be a Star by Kayla Lanzalaco & Flynn Nicholls
Easy Street by Kevin Jokipii
Winnable by Kim Davis Jr.
Detective Palooka by Lou Baldwin
Bits by Lucy Porter
Death in the Family by Mandalyn Forbes
I’m Not Usually Like This by Maren English
Come Again by Marshall Seese, Jr.
Young Adults — “12 Jump Street” by Matthew Neff
Bark by Matthew Sterba
The Oracle by Max Conroy
Half Measure by Melissa Ragsly
Opposites Attract by Meredith Smola
Space Pals by Mike D’Ascenzo
The Inescapable Ennui of the Kilpatrick Family by Mitch Magee
Gated by Molly Skubak
Space Bar by Nick Pappas & Myles Hewette
…And Questioning by Owen Boardman
Catholic School by Owen Danoff
Pilgrimage by Pablo Lopez Guzman
Tales From Bear Trap Point by Paul Graham
Mid-Aughts by Rachel Gulotta
The Shanty Shack by Ralph Anglade
Post Truth by Rebecca Scott & Molly Rydzel
Wingman by Richard Geiwitz
The Locals by Riley Helm
Wild Life by Robert La Rocca
Dr. Happy by Ryan Hayes & Jamie Hoddinott
The Three Nephites by Samuel Holladay
Who Cares by Scot Zeller
Hot Property by Stephen Hoover
Almost Six by Suzan Mikiel
Space Hospital #43 by Vadja Potenza

Hour-Long Pilots

Good Natured by A.A. Volta & Fern Frances
The Loop by Adam Hardman & Whitney Crowder
Haven by Addie Manis & Bob Oltra
Sap by Alex Carl
Priors by Alex Hayes
Remus by Alexander Seltzer
The Oasis by Allen Schultz
Beware The Jabberwock by Allison Page
The Burning Gems by Amara Mesnik
Fraudville by Andy Spyros
Unchosen One by Anthony Gleckler
(sx)_M@ch33N – “The End of Junior Year” by Anthony Pitsilos
Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte
A Dollar Short by Barry Leach
Password Protected by Ben Tomaiuolo
Transit by Benjamin Wretlind
Keystone by Brian James Crewe
Hope Down Under by Brian Nooney
Credence by C.M. Landrus
Mirror by Cameron Brighton
Undertow by Caroline Chidester
89 by Chelsea Bartholomew
Transcontinental by Christia Crocker
The Killing Trade by Christopher Baker
Decommission by Clarke Wainikka
Pine Mountain by Clea Montville-Wood
Exile by Colin Heasley
The Senior’s Guide to Homicide by Collin Lieberg
Blood Moon Shine by Connor Savage
The High Hearth by Crystal Wall & Nicholas Copsis
That’s How It Is by D.R. Ransdell
Mr. Garcia by Daniel Albino
The Last Rebels by Daniel Powell
Matrioshka Murder by Danny Galvin & Brad Pike
I’m Not the Bad Guy by Daphne Raves
Broken by Dathan Paterno
Virtual Reality by Dave Grove
Yaba Yaba Land by Dave Miller
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Brother’s Keeper by David Zeltser & Joseph Greco
Vivienne Varlette by Demi Aspey
Death Kindly Stopped by Don Cabreana
Class Warfare by Duncan Lewis
Bad Manor by Elliot Warren
Unwitched by F.M. DiMeo
Welcome to Zorba by Fouad Abdel Malak
American Mammals by Giordano Cagnin
The Tracer by Glenn Levin
House on Fire by Grace Melville
Nuclear Family by Gregory Abbey
Artful by Hugh Janes
Mad Woods by Ian Hendricks
The Pastor’s Daughter by J. Scott Worthington
Apocalypse Later by J.W. Hendricks & Madison Crews
How to Be A Hitman by Jack Hight
The Prince of Kings County by James McAllen
Modern Man – “The Man Called Uncle” by Jenna Wycoff
The Devil’s Angel by John Conn
Roadshow by John Cowton & Mark David Green
Kamikaze Squad by John Heiser
The Night We Went Straight by John Heiser
Firebrands by John Thomas Vasiliades
The Three Times I Cried by Johnny Galvan
re.Form(ed) by Johnny Gilligan
Savant by Johnny Gilligan
Demonology by Joseph Bronzi
Distant Star by Kadyn Michaels
The Last Vorthain by Kaela Arsenault
Gemstones by Keener Cagle
Domino Lady — “The Lady Reborn” by Keith Shaw
Dreamland by Ken Moulin
Yesterday/Today by Kevin Douglas
Swish by Kevin Jokipii
Cold Time: Sunrise by Kris Schimpf
Grace by Laci Mailey
Viewfinder by Laura Bonilla
The Fruitlanders by Laurie Rivlin Heller
Comfort and Joy — “CIN” by Leah Lindsaychen
The Sunshine State by Lindsay Ripley
Dry Horizon by Lisette Ruch
A Game of Two Halves by Lola Kolade
Covens by Luca Violante
Boss Gambler by M.D. Selig
The Local by Mark Naccarato
Death Cloak by Markus Meedt & Catherine O’Shea
Crow by Matilda Corley Schulman
The Turn by Maxson Ward
Reset by Michael Haas
The Last Cabin Left on Old Sycamore Lane by Michael Rakoff
Caught in a Cold War Trap by Miller Caldwell
Who Killed William Desmond Taylor? by Nate Washburn ELiRiUM by Nikhil Kamkolkar
Biscayne Bay by Paige Fries
Eden’s Valley by Parker Whitmore
The Black Smokers by Patrick Gomes de Souza
Amy (Sort Of) by Peter Podgursky
Highway Zero by Peter Van Horne & Steve Bynoe
Mucking Nuts by Phil Berger
Rudy Champion and the Edge of the Earth by Philip Enchelmaier
The Winslow Twins by Phoebe Tyers
Blackout by Richie Harrington
Misadventures of Bronson Red by Rob Harrah
Don’t Talk Just Listen by Robin Whitewood
Blind Pony by Samantha Hart
Devil’s Empire by Sarah Gray
Dead Shepherd by Scott Langer
Medicated by Sharon Kadosh
In My Way by Sophia Schloss & Irene Mitri
Esoterica by Spencer Rollins & John Paul Caballero
Obedience by Steven Snell
The Fourth Man by Tasha Moore
John H. Watson, CRIME DOCTOR by Timothy Liebe
Lions of Nogales by TR Lawrence
Yellow Brick Road by Vinny Ferris
Traveling Therapist by Wes Chick
Under the Clock by Wilke Durand
Damned by William McCoy
9 Down by William Neal

Updated: 08/26/2023

Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest


2300 W. Empire Avenue
5th floor
Burbank, CA 91504
818-995-8995 (voice)

Click here

Contact: Kala Guess, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.0/5.0)
Feedback: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 47    
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