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Screenwriter Interviews

MovieBytes Interview: Ryan Yerrick

An interview with Ryan Yerrick regarding the Light House Writing Competition.

Q: Who sponsors this contest, and what is their background in the industry? When was the contest founded?

A: The contest is sponsored by Great Ideas Entertainment. Great Ideas is a film and television production company located in Hollywood, CA. They are just over a year old and have produced 7 shorts and 1 full length feature in the first year. They are in pre-production on 3 million dollar budget film slated to shoot in October. The contest was founded in January of 2007.

Q: What role do you play personally in the adminstration of the contest?

A: I am the contest coordinator.

Q: Have any of the winning scripts from the contest been sold or produced?

A: This is the first year for the contest and two of the winning scripts will be optioned to be produced.

Q: Who judges the early rounds of the competition? What are their qualifications? Who judges the final rounds?

A: Various industry professionals judge the early rounds of the competition. The final rounds are judged by our VP of Developement for Great Ideas. Tad Atkinson who is our script supervisor and has a masters degree in English literature.

Q: Do the early-round judges read the entire script, or do they stop after a certain number of pages?

A: They read the entire script.

Q: Are the judges looking for any specific type of script? Are scripts of a certain genre more likely to do well?

A: They are looking for anything and everything.

Q: What do you do promote your winning writers, and to publicize their scripts?

A: Press release through Great Ideas Entertainment.

Q: What advice can you offer to writers entering your contest?

A: If you would like another opportunity to get your script produced and recieve some of the highest professional reviews and opinions of your script then this is the contest for you.

Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2007

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