GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


Kolby's the top agent of Cupid, who happens to be a beautiful young woman, but Kolby's on the verge of losing his job, and Cupid's on the verge of dying, if he can't reunite a special pair of reincarnated soul mates before a deadline causes love to disappear from earth.

Cupid just happens to be a sexy young woman and Kolby just happens to be her top assistant for a few thousand years. But both of their jobs are on the line unless Kolby can fulfill the hardest of all assignments! Can he get the two greatest lovers back together before the Love Arrow's time limit expires? Not only does Kolby race against time, he also suffers from his own unfulfilled love.

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Jim Carrey
Bruce Willis
Amanda Peet
Author Bio:
Steve was one of the resident Buddhist Meditation Teachers at Wat Kow Tahm International Meditation Center, Thailand for 25 years. He has also taught in the USA, Europe, Australia and Singapore. He is now semi-retired, living in Australia.

Steve's been writing screenplays since 2002. He has 13 polished scripts. Six of his scripts have won screenplay contests, eight have made finals. Altogether he has 7 wins, 58 other finals, 32 semifinals and 33 quarterfinals.

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Contest Results:
Indie Gathering (First Place) [2012]
Houston Comedy (Finalist) [2019]
StoryPros Awards (Semifinalist) [2014]
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