LOGLINE; Animation 3D Kofi journeys on a dangerous quest with his friends, to learn the secret of unleashing their animal spirits. He needs to avenge his father, and help restore independence to his country. Takng back authority and burning down Cecil John Rhodes' dream, of extending the British Empire by colonising the African countries. MOVIE SYNOPSIS Act 1: Titus a European white man, arrives in Northern Rhodesia with fancy modern gifts, to be given to the Elder Chiefs. He willingly offers to bring them great development, only if they can give him that slight authority. He manages to persuade the Elder Chiefs. But did they know, it was step one of his plan. Act 2: Months later, the Elder Chiefs already had second thoughts about Titus. Despite doing as promised, they want to put him down. They lost their first battle against Titus, led by Commander Sancho, the only person who could still unleash his animal spirit. Act 3: 10 years past, and Kofi's thirst for revenge grew much more. He'll stop at nothing, to put down the man (Titus) who took his father's life (Commander Sancho). Kofi desires to unleash his animal spirit, and avenge his father. But little did they know, Titus worked on a science experiment, that can do exactly the same, for him and his soldiers. And Titus had one last trick, up his sleeve.
I am a medical student, in my 4th year now. But despite doing other things, writing movies is more than a passion or desire, it's my life... The whole essence why am alive, is to live beyond my wildest dreams.
Post Your Script Here!The Stolen Manuscript
A Private Eye is hired to find a famous Horror author, one of Baltimore's own, and his latest manuscript.
A twisted sci-fi road comedy with heart, a la “Little Miss Sunshine” with aliens, an interspecies romance and a spoof on classic sci-fi films and the American Southwest’s UFO subculture.
After plagiarising family dynamics into a comedic bestseller the author faces the consequences at his sister's wedding and encounters the anguish of the woman who broke his heart.
Lured by the reading of a billionaire rare book dealer’s will, an investigator and four other heirs are sealed in an airtight panic room, and with only four hours air, must solve the centuries-old mystery contained in the book ‘The Castilian Cypher’ in order to escape.
A troubled man has a brush with death that comes with disturbing results.
Trials and tribulations of the notorious John Wesley Hardin.
Biopic of Harry Strauss, a.k.a.
A blonde bombshell in stainless steel becomes a femme fatale, a relentless tiger with razor-sharp-toothed-pen spilling blood across the pages leaving nowhere, for the perpetrators of the nation's greatest corporate crime to turn or hide - no 'out'.
Tender Nightmare
In the 1950s in St. Petersburg, Florida, four eleven-year-old boys (two sets of twins, one Identical), attempt to track down the source of several mysterious murders in town, finding themselves tangled in the web of a Nazi cabal.
Curbside Service
A recently separated couple finds themselves stranded in the desert on their way to a family holiday function.