In a future where virtual reality blurs the line between worlds, scientist Dr. Marko delves into a VR experiment gone wrong, inadvertently connecting Earth with the mysterious desert planet Beulah. Caught between two worlds, young prophet Ahriman must navigate political intrigue and cosmic conflict to save both planets from impending destruction. : Dr. Marko, a scientist researching virtual reality societal simulations on Earth, discovers an anomaly when the legendary figure Ahriman appears in his lab's VR environment. Meanwhile, on the desert planet Beulah, Ahriman, a charismatic yet troubled young prophet, struggles against political turmoil and religious fanaticism under the guidance of his wise uncle, Ormazd. As the VR experiment malfunctions, Ahriman is transported to Earth, where his presence triggers global unrest and attracts the attention of powerful factions. Manipulated and kidnapped, Ahriman's persuasive abilities escalate tensions until a global crisis looms. With Earth on the brink of invasion, Ahriman realizes his uncle's life is in jeopardy back on Beulah. Driven by a desire for peace and reconciliation, Ahriman must confront his own people's aggressors and prevent a catastrophic war. Despite his efforts, Earth intervenes, leading to the destruction of Beulah. Alone and haunted by loss, Ahriman finds solace in a reconstructed VR simulation of his homeworld, where he encounters a digital manifestation of his beloved uncle. The story concludes with a poignant reunion in the virtual realm, hinting at the possibility of future adventures as Ormazd's loyal fighters contemplate their next move in the aftermath of interplanetary devastation.
I have worked with Producer Chris Soth on a Frank Capra type allegory screenplay titled, "America, A Romance", and with producer Robert Mitas (who produced films with Michael Douglas) on "The Teenage Bodyguard".
Post Your Script Here!Perfect Beau
A Plain Jane clones her ideal boyfriend out of her girlfriends' boyfriends' DNA for her college senior class project.
Cold Pepper
A law-abiding, church-going court stenographer becomes a one-woman vigilante assassinating violent domestic abusers (and other deviants) after their third offense.
Psychotic USA
A dramedy.. A twisted view of the ineptness of modern day psychiatric treatment as seen through the lens of four patients in an asylum.
A world renowned heart transplant surgeon is an absolute magician at finding compatible hearts for wealthy clients.
Nina and Flossie
Three European sisters, in their 70's, scheme to dump a dead body that the eldest killed in the middle of the night as a result of a break-in.
Frat Mom
A fraternity in trouble for using illegal schemes to fund their wild parties finds themselves in the hands of an ironfisted frat mom and vow to send her packing.
Hell Gate to Golden Gate
Alice Ramsey is on a mission to become the first woman to drive an automobile across the United States, but a vengeful bank president, whose wife becomes a suffragette, isn't about to let that happen.
A slightly slow but lovable, hardworking man who communicates with the likes of pelicans and smiley-face balloons takes drastic measures to shake loose a houseful of freeloaders to pursue his dream of owning a very unique B & B.
The March of the 18th
In 1864 the Veteran Reserve Corps was formed to allow disabled Union army men to continue to perform their duty for God and Country.
After being electrocuted on the job, a woman suddenly has the power to make everyone around her fall in love.