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Survival for the fittest

The screen play is called SURVIVAL FOR THE FITTEST It's an emotional action packed screen play about a man on a death penalty who escapes from prison and goes to save the abandoned soldiers in the battlefield It's emotions are so real to the extent that majority of the viewers are likely to shade tears while watching It touches the political realms basing on the historical records of the hatred between Austria and Serbia plus world war I facts. It tries to highlight how Austria would be after waging another great war against Serbia It amazingly involves children (below twenty years) in the battlefield fighting for their freedom from the enemy without enough war experience, with no base for help unless from themselves.. something which touches the emotions of parents in the world. it involves unique war tactics and planning strategies which can be termed as "battlefield in the mind"

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Author Bio:
was born on 26/12/1998 in Uganda.. Loves movie related issues and other football

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