2025 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards
GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Once Young

Two parent-less 18-year-olds fall in love and, alone and together, struggle with what love and maturity may look like amid an adult world that is often confusing and sometimes dangerous. A panoramic tale of life as seen through the eyes of innocence.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Actress aged c.18
Actor aged c.18
Actor aged c.38
In the Vein Of:
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Romeo and Juliet (play)
American Beauty (1999)
Author Bio:
(Last updated: 9 January 2025 ).

LATEST NEWS. Today (9 January 2025), I have completed a revision of Once Young, a 180-page long saga telling the story of lost youth.


I became a hobbyist screenwriter in 2007 when I purchased version 7 of Final Draft. I’ve since completed 12 screenplays and one TV/streaming pilot.

My current goal is to take the opportunity during the holiday season to revise all my scripts.

My 13 scripts (in alphabetical order) are:

Counterchance (“Sometimes bad things happen”) REVISED 31 DECEMBER 2024;

Glorious Revolution (“Unintended consequences writ-large”);

Howlingween (“A road trip to hell”) REVISED 24 DECEMBER 2024;

Howlingween 2: Clarry the Clown (“Island paradise of horror”) REVISED 25 DECEMBER 2024;

Howlingween 3: Red River County (“Unforgiving beggar”) REVISED 27 DECEMBER 2024;

Howlingween 4: Beastly Mist (“sprays won’t work on these insects”) REWRITTEN 28 DECEMBER 2024;

Howlingween 5: Trip Along (“A child’s dream is another’s real-life nightmare”) REVISED 28 DECEMBER 2024;

Kuga’s Way (pilot) (“An intelligent canine becomes involved in human affairs”);

On Board (“A traditional who-done-it mystery”) THOROUGHLY REVISED 7 JANUARY 2025;

Once Young (“Love-struck teenagers”) REVISED 9 JANUARY 2025;

Splendid Isolation (“Pioneering life in remote Alaska”) REVISED 2 JANUARY 2025;

Twelve Less (“Teenagers in life-threatening trouble”) REVISED 30 DECEMBER 2024;

We Were Young Once (“Weren’t we all?”) REVISED 4 JANUARY 2025.

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