Once Young
Two parent-less 18-year-olds fall in love and, alone and together, struggle with what love and maturity may look like amid an adult world that is often confusing and sometimes dangerous. A panoramic tale of life as seen through the eyes of innocence.
Actor aged c.18
Actor aged c.38
Romeo and Juliet (play)
American Beauty (1999)
LATEST NEWS. Today (9 January 2025), I have completed a revision of Once Young, a 180-page long saga telling the story of lost youth.
I became a hobbyist screenwriter in 2007 when I purchased version 7 of Final Draft. I’ve since completed 12 screenplays and one TV/streaming pilot.
My current goal is to take the opportunity during the holiday season to revise all my scripts.
My 13 scripts (in alphabetical order) are:
Counterchance (“Sometimes bad things happen”) REVISED 31 DECEMBER 2024;
Glorious Revolution (“Unintended consequences writ-large”);
Howlingween (“A road trip to hell”) REVISED 24 DECEMBER 2024;
Howlingween 2: Clarry the Clown (“Island paradise of horror”) REVISED 25 DECEMBER 2024;
Howlingween 3: Red River County (“Unforgiving beggar”) REVISED 27 DECEMBER 2024;
Howlingween 4: Beastly Mist (“sprays won’t work on these insects”) REWRITTEN 28 DECEMBER 2024;
Howlingween 5: Trip Along (“A child’s dream is another’s real-life nightmare”) REVISED 28 DECEMBER 2024;
Kuga’s Way (pilot) (“An intelligent canine becomes involved in human affairs”);
On Board (“A traditional who-done-it mystery”) THOROUGHLY REVISED 7 JANUARY 2025;
Once Young (“Love-struck teenagers”) REVISED 9 JANUARY 2025;
Splendid Isolation (“Pioneering life in remote Alaska”) REVISED 2 JANUARY 2025;
Twelve Less (“Teenagers in life-threatening trouble”) REVISED 30 DECEMBER 2024;
We Were Young Once (“Weren’t we all?”) REVISED 4 JANUARY 2025.
Post Your Script Here!The Puzzle People
Berlin cold war aftermath: A Woman reconstructs shredded Stasi documents and stumbles upon a murder committed days after the Fall of the Berlin Wall.
We Wrestle Not With Flesh And Blood - 2nd TV episode of Free Indeed
Our hero is gifted to see into the supernatural if someone is in need.
Free Indeed
When our heroine sees more than what meets the natural eye, she knows she is on a divine assignment, if she doesn't free a woman from spiritual bondage the woman will die.
The son of the superintendent of international churches is convinced he hears a divine word which he follows, only to face ridicule from his family circle and friends and threats to lose his life from the drug and human trafficking world.
A young teacher moves back into her hometown.
A woman gets threatening emails and anonymous calls about her little girl, who had drowned with her husband three years ago.
True Tears - Timeless Fairy Tale
A young princess who grew up hidden in the woods must find her father, the King, to save the kingdom from doom – His twin sister and self-appointed Sorceress Queen, who banished him about 18 years ago, uses all her powers to prevent a successful journey.
Adapted scene from The Seven Rays
This was the Seven rays Script-a-Scene contest, for the book THE SEVEN RAYS, by Jessica Bendinger.
A female seagull gets stranded and injured on an island of flightless cormorants.
In the midst of destruction and pain, a young boy yearns to stop violence however not with violence.