GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Murder in Emergency!

A dedicated nurse's fight to save her hospital from closure escalates to war against it, on discovering patients are being murdered.

Based on a True Story. Beth Davis (Beth) is in a fight for life. Not her own - the lives of patients being murdered in order to save costs. Designated the title of 'Angel' by those coming through 'Emergency' doors, her care and benevolence does not go unnoticed by colleagues. Each day she orders dinners for all - feeding those awaiting transport home. She is sister-in-charge of Accident & Emergency. When Matron calls a meeting announcing the hospital is to close due to the withdrawal of funding, her mind immediately goes to the dinners. Dismissing the thought, she knows she must do all she can to prevent its closure. She tries to garner support from her union. When this fails, she organizes a Rally. She's threatened with expulsion and no reference. But there are more important things at stake here... patients. She refuses to desist. Her aims, paramount. Then as if hit by bat across the head she reels when Sister Johnstone (Johnnie) tells her of a ward where patients are being administered 'death' medication shutting down their organs causing painful deaths. Beth`s fight takes on greater purpose and urgency. She complains to police. But with no real evidence to support her allegations they can do nothing. The medication is not charted nor shown to be scripted. Only a note under the tablet bottle lists each patient's name and dosage. Nurse Nichols is tasked with making a copy of the note and patient charts, which conflict. Beth seeks clarification from Wards-man, Tony. Tony causes terror among staff when he sings "Jesus" songs as he takes bodies to the mortuary. Tony confirms - "More bodies transported from that ward than from all other wards combined ". Beth knows too much. Her previously peaceful life is thrown into chaos as faceless men take control, monitor and thwart her every move. That is, until they discover a dark undercurrent threatening their own existence. A car accident is orchestrated. Beth is injured. The hospital closes. Beth is without a job except for the Fish Shop which supplemented her hospital income. With the assistance of Johnnie, Nichols and Tony, police prosecute. Matron, Office Manager and two doctors gaoled for the murders. But no one squeals. No one gives up the identities of those who gave the orders. They, are left free to continue the extermination spree in other hospitals. Now working fulltime in the Fish Shop, customers remember and are grateful for Beth's efforts but she's embarrassed. A customer asks, "What do you consider your greatest achievement?" Beth goes quiet for a moment. Then, "My greatest achievement is my failure..." The answer left unfinished to the enquirer but in her mind... to save the patients. Those who made Beth's life a living hell, now in fear for their own wellbeing reverse their previous decisions to destroy her. On opening her mail Beth's excitement cannot be contained. Her mum confirms, "Today is, a great day!"

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Charlize Theron
Meryl Streep
Liam Neeson
In the Vein Of:
based on a True Story
Author Bio:

Screenwriter: seven (7) Award-winning Feature Scripts and two (2) Short Screenplays Author: four (4) non-fiction books - Amazon "Best Seller" 'Elders and The Real Story' - 2020 Publisher/ 'Profiler' Magazine - distributed nationally and Editor: throughout New Zealand through newsagencies by the Packer network (NSC) and Gordon & Gotch Poet: AllPoetry - 4 poems - Wildsound - Top 100 Producer: R J to Mars - animated Christian Children's film

Unique traits: "The most fearless, prophetic champion of our time.

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Contest Results:
Hollywood Moving Pictures (First Place, Best Screenplay Feature) [2019]
Los Angeles Independent (First Place, Best Dialogue Feature) [2017]
Christian Screenplay (First Place, Best Script, Best Writer, Fan ) [2017]
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