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Paranormal Attack's

An old Filipino woman gets revenge on her lover and his wife as she works for them as a maid, she kill's them with an overdose she cursed their mansion. Leaving the husband and wife haunting their house, as the maid returns bringing her daughter to the house leaving the daughter to fall in love with the in love with the new house owner, things get worse as they both move in Paranormal activity with Attack's constantly leaving people to die.

Paranormal activity in a mansion set's off from a mistress an old Filipino woman, the Maid madly in love with the owner of the house, she had enough as he wouldn't divorce his wife, the maid gives the couple an overdose killing them as she does a black magic ritual in the bathroom bringing them back to haunt the mansion, not knowing her daughter then will fall in love with the new house owner.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
An old Filipino woman
A young Filipino woman
A young white American
In the Vein Of:
Paranormal activity
Scary movie
How high
Author Bio:
Sound engineer, producer, script writer.

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