GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


TREATMENT TITLE: THE HIGH I Q'S SUB-TITLE: THE AMERICAN GENIUS GENRE: REALITY TELEVISION COMPETITION LOGLINES: Several corporations compete to win the bid to hire the winner of the most extensive intellectual competition that crowned him or her " THE HIGH IQ " or " THE AMERICAN GENIUS." SYNOPSIS: The HIGH I Q'S or THE AMERICAN GENIUS is a title for a single winner of an intellectual competition. The highest scores determine the winner over a series of tests and tasks that include problem-solving and learning abilities in the fields of art, science and technology etc. PREMISE: The American public has seen singers, dancers, models; actors compete for prizes on national television. There is a desire for an intellectual competition whereby a single individual will be crowned "The American Genius. The added incentive to winning this award will be for the winner to have the opportunity to land a six-figure job offer from one of several top corporations. These corporations will also compete to win the bid to hire the American genius. PLOT: Contestants will be selected from open casting calls and the competition will be open for all ages. The selection process will be based on brainpower rather than talent. The successful contestants will undergo rigorous questioning in all fields and subjects. Contestants will also have to demonstrate their ability to do and know almost every task involved. In other words they have to be the "Jack of all Trades". Contestants with the lowest points after each show will be rejected from proceeding to the next level. Each of the tests will be more challenging than the previous ones, making the tests more difficult to pass. Contestants are issued cards without knowing whether they are moving on or have been rejected. The scene at this moment will feature a dramatic delay in anticipation of the "reject" or "green light" result. Imagine, the facial expression of a contestant standing, facing an automated machine, waiting to be declared a "green light". CASTING/DEVELOPMENT: Cast members will include scientists, professors, authors, journalists, and specialists from all fields of study. Each episode will feature five panelists to administer the test, and also judge the competition. The penultimate show will focus on the competing companies and the bid to hire the crowned "American Genius". CONCLUSION: The two contestants with the highest final scores will compete at the final episode. The two corporations with the highest bids will be announced before the final competition and the salary figures disclosed, making the competition more intense in search of the next AMERICAN GENIUS. OPEN CASTINGS LOCATIONS: L.A, NY, BOSTON, SAN FRAN. TAMPA, DALLAS. OPERATIONAL BUDGET: MEDIUM SPONSORS: CONTENDING EMPLOYERS VYING TO HIRE THE AMERICAN GENIUS. E.g., GM, FORD, XEROX, IBM, etc. PRODUCTION DURATION: Approx., Six-months. WRITER/CREATOR: FRANK AMOBI FRAMOBY REALITY/SIT-COM. & GAME SHOWS TELEVISION© FRAMOBY@AOL.COM___Copyright, 2004 Library of Congress-wga

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TV Episode
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Recent book: " A million moments of love " A sensuous Glorification of Romance

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