GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Scriptapalooza Features & Shorts Competition

Scriptapalooza Features/Shorts


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 385    
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Scriptapalooza was founded in 1998 with the goal of helping as many writers as possible through the competition. We have over 90 production companies, agents and managers reading all the entered scripts. (A complete list of participants is on Scriptapalooza's website.)

We actively push the Semifinalists, Finalists, Runners-Up and Winners for a full year with the intention of creating opportunities for the writers. We are a hands on competition because we feel it is important to continue supporting the top scripts beyond the cash and prizes. No other competition in the world does that.

We are proud to present the competition with Write Brothers, a company that not only provides the necessary tools for writing but is an advocate and true supporter of emerging writers. Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

Expired. Previous Deadline: 04/08/2024

Notification: August 15, 2024


This competition is open to any writer, 18 or older without produced feature film credits. Entering the competition constitutes permission to use the winners' names and likenesses for publicity and promotions with no additional compensation. We reserve the right to publicize and promote any and all progress, development and success of the entered scripts.

  1. Any script from any genre will be considered.
  2. Multiple entries are accepted, provided a signed entry form and appropriate entry fee is attached to each submission.
  3. Multiple authorship is acceptable. If the screenplay wins an award, that award will be divided among the writers, by the writers.
  4. Screenplays must be the original work of the author.
  5. Scriptapalooza recommends registering your scripts with the WGA or copyrighting your material with the Library of Congress.
  6. Entry must be accompanied by the following:
    a. completed official entry form (photocopies are acceptable)
    b. the appropriate entry fee
    c. completed original feature screenplay


Awards for FEATURES competition:

First Place Winner

  • $10,000 Cash
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership
  • 6 month online subscription from Backstage
  • 5 CoverFly tokens for peer feedback on your script
  • InkTip Script Listing & InkTip Magazine Listing

Second Place Winner

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership
  • 6 month online subscription from Backstage
  • 5 CoverFly tokens for peer feedback on your script
  • InkTip Script Listing & InkTip Magazine Listing

Third Place Winner

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership
  • 6 month online subscription from Backstage
  • 5 CoverFly tokens for peer feedback on your script
  • InkTip Script Listing & InkTip Magazine Listing

10 Runners-Up

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Writer’s Studio from Write Brothers (Outline 4D, Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Pro)
  • Hollywood Screenwriting Directory from The Writers Store
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership

All 30 Finalists

  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza’s Network
  • Receive Movie Magic Screenwriter and Dramatica Writer’s Dreamkit from Write Brothers
  • 1 year of International Screenwriters’ Association Connect Membership

Awards for SHORTS competition:
  • 1st Place Prize - $2000 Cash
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 2nd Place Prize
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 3rd Place Prize
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 5 Finalists
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 8 Semifinalists
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network
  • 15 Quarterfinalists
  • Access to over 150 producers thru Scriptapalooza's Network

Scriptapalooza Features/Shorts


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 385    
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Scriptapalooza Features & Shorts Competition


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 385    
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Contest News

Scriptapalooza Interviews First Place Winner Rett Thompson

Scriptapalooza: How did you come up with your story idea?

It was really three separate ideas that kind of meshed together. The first was the corporate world that I have lived in for the last eight years. Working as an engineer in the manufacturing industry, the corporate culture has always fascinated me. And annoyed me. Between the multitude of "New Age" management strategies that get recycled through (under the guise of new names), conflicts between union and management, and general bureaucracy and red tape, there's just so much material there. It's a universal topic too. Everyone makes fun of their job. It's what helps get you through the day. After all, you spend a third of your life there. Companies are like foreign countries. They have their own language and customs. When you come to work you slip into your corporate behavior. Lots of "interfacing with your peers" that sort of thing. You'd never say that outside of work. "Honey, I'm going down to the bar to interface with my peers." Who talks like that? Well, you do when you're at work. So I wanted to do a send-up of that. Secondly, I have always been curious about the human body. How does it really work? What is going on in my head? Why did I remember that? What made me sneeze? How did I manage to bite my tongue? That kind of thing. I starting thinking about that and wondered, what if my body functioned like a corporation? What if I had people controlling my body and all it's functions? What if all the decisions I made were really made by a management team that existed in a conference room in my brain. How would that all work out? Last, I needed an outside world (my "voyage of the damned" social life) to hold it all together, and to provide both similarities and counterpoints to the internal workings of Ted.

Scriptapalooza: How long did it take you to write it?

On and off about eight months.

Scriptapalooza: Is this your first script that you have written?

It is the first feature length script I have written.

Scriptapalooza: Have you entered other screenwriting competitions?

Austin Film Festival and Slamdance

Scriptapalooza: If so, have you been successful?

Don't know yet - both haven't been announced yet.

Scriptapalooza: Why did you enter Scriptapalooza?

In my mind it was the biggest competition out there. The money was amazing, but for me the important thing was the chance to get my script in front of industry people and have it evaluated. When you live as far outside of LA as I do, it is a daunting task to figure out how to get your work out there. You write and write, but it just sits there because you don't have any connections or even any idea how to make them. I felt that the Scriptapalooza competition could offer me both. Plus I liked the name. I went to a couple of the Lollapalooza concerts back in the day.

Scriptapalooza: Advice to other screenwriters?

Don't listen to advice from first time screenwriters.

Scriptapalooza: Are you excited to use your new software from Screenplay Systems?

Definitely. My previous organizational system of random pieces of paper scattered throughout the floor of my bedroom was hindering both my writing and my social life. I hope that the new software will help me to better focus so I can hammer out some more screenplays.

Scriptapalooza: How did you feel when you saw your name as one of the winners?

I was just checking the website before I went to bed when I saw that I had won. Complete shock. Then panic set in. Then calm. Then more panic. Then questions, lots of questions. What does this mean? Which of my family and friends do I call and wake up? Is this some kind of cruel joke being perpetrated on me by some twelve year old computer con artist who just puts up fake websites to raise and then crush the dreams of budding writers? Will the check be one of those oversized novelty checks, and if so, how will the mailman fit it through that tiny mail slot in my door?

Scriptapalooza: What are you going to do with the cash prize?

If this now means that I am a real writer, it seems like my only choice is to spend half of it on alcohol and save the other half for rehab. Not sure yet. Being a charitable guy, I've decide to give a good portion of it to my favorite uncle, Uncle Sam. Which somehow seems wrong since he's busy giving it all back right now. Seeing as I currently live in Rochester, NY I'll certainly spend a bunch of it for postage to LA. See? Uncle Sam taking more of it. I'll also spend a good portion of it putting myself into situations that will be both painful and humiliating in an attempt to dredge up more quality writing material, because as we all know, one man's tragedy is another man's comedy.

Updated: 08/23/2001

Scriptapalooza Features & Shorts Competition


Hollywood, CA 90046
(310) 594-5384 (voice)


Contact: Mark Andrushko, President and CEO

Report Card

Overall: 5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars (5.0/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 385    
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