GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

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Med Frenzy - A Conspiracy

A single woman falls victim to an unknown parasitic skin ailment that doctors deny and send her away without help, but in her desperate search for relief, she discovers the underlying cause and a conspiracy between powerful government and industry entities —but who can she trust to investigate her claim? 9 locations


I Hear You

A belligerent boss berates his employees and struggles with his marriage and hearing-impaired son, but after he is caught pilfering from the company, the threat of losing his career is rectified by a most unlikely source.


Not About Money

A competent woman receives a promotion into a male-dominate leadership position only to be demoted and forced to sue. Her fight begins on the basis of principal, but she must fight for her career, her dignity, and the advancement of women in business.


Rod Knock

A newly single and unemployed man re-establishes himself as a handyman with the ladies he’s learning to date, but encounters many comical mishaps in both his work and social life in trying to prove himself worthy. A newly single man encounters many comical mishaps in both his work and social life, but finally proves himself worthy to his deriding buddies and Latino lady friend with a heroic feat. Script Excerpt



Two simple-minded brothers work part time science lab and find machinery in an unauthorized area that unknowingly transports them to Spain years before their time—and now they must figure out where they are, how they got there, and how to get back home.



Scarred in a fire as an infant, an opportunistic young man suffers from distorted thinking, but the head of his rehab facility has his own twisted logic.


Time Travel: Many Happy Returns

Two simple-minded brothers work part time at a science lab, and find machinery in an unauthorized area that unknowingly transports them to Spain--years before their time. Now they must figure out where they are, how they got there, and how to get back home.

Go Pro!