GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


SERIES CONCEPT THE ADONIS SUB-TITLE: THE CORONATION GENRE: REALITY TV SHOW/COMPETITION LOGLINE: For twelve months, one man will live in a luxurious mansion as the new American coroneted king " THE ADONIS ". Meanwhile, the American public looks forward to see who will be the new choice for " MRS. ADONIS ". (An undisclosed single female celebrity) SYNOPSIS: PREMISE: For several years, the American public has watched contests for "MISS AMERICA", "MISS USA", "MISS UNIVERSE" etc., today, for the first time in the history of television; the American public will have the opportunity to coronate a king. The crowned king is a man of flawless character, a man of a high moral fortitude, a well educated man, a man fit to be crowned king, in stature and appearance, a man worthy of royalty, and this man is THE ADONIS. PLOT: The show producers will embark on an elaborate search to find a man that will fit certain criterias to become "THE ADONIS. The producers will conduct open casting auditions in several cities. Fifteen contestants will undergo a strict screening and interviews by a panel of judges. These judges consist of celebrities, educators, law enforcement, the clergy, politicians etc. The contestants must be between the ages of 21 and 45. All fifteen contestants will be evaluated according to their responses to the Q&A session facilitated by the panel of judges. The contestants will hold individual one on one interview with each judge who in turn will evaluate each of their performances separately. Five contestants with highest scores as determined by the judges will become the finalists to compete to be crowned THE ADONIS. The producers will ensure that the judges make their selections according to the quality and standards set forth for the individual expected to be THE ADONIS. These five finalists will then face-off on a variety of competitions ranging from the measure of strength and athleticism to patience, composure and endurance. These competitive events are designed to help the public and studio audience determine which finalists will receive their support. A self-styled fashion show will be the contestants final impression, and a life time chance to win the public approval to be crowned THE ADONIS. America will have a full day to vote for the ADONIS. ---(The making of the American royalty) TWIST/DEVELOPMENT: THE ADONIS is a man fit to be a king. There will not be a legitimate king without a beautiful queen besides him. Hence, the producers will also solicit participations from Hollywood's most beautiful single women celebrities. The producers and the crowned ADONIS will know the identity of the participating celebrities. The public will be aware of a planned proposal by the crown ADONIS to an un-named celebrity and anticipation is high at the moment. The identities of the celebrities that were not chosen by the ADONIS will remain anonymous. The on-camera friendship or engagement proposal will take place on national television and is expected to generate a high television audience. Imagine, the workplace conversations about who is suspected of becoming the next "MRS. ADONIS" or rather the next QUEEN. THE CORONATION OF THE 'KING': THE ADONIS THE ADONIS is a title worthy of royal remunerations. The crowned ADONIS and the soon-to-be queen will reside in a royal mansion for a one-year term as the American only royalty. The ADONIS and the QUEEN will devote their time to charities, especially children related, special appearances and community services. THE ADONIS will live a life fit for a king and a queen for one year; this entails traveling convoys, bodyguards, royal attires etc. THE ADONIS will receive a six-figure salary for one year. CONCLUSIONS: Presidential election comes every four years, but America will have the opportunity to make the crowning of THE ADONIS an annual televising event. Ladies and gentlemen, virtue and values is here! And royalty is returning to America. WRITER/CREATOR: FRANK AMOBI FRAMOBY REALITY/SIT-COM. & GAME SHOWS TELEVISION© FRAMOBY@AOL.COM_____Copyright, 2004 Library of Congress-wga

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